In the hours before Cesar Randazzo's Facebook account was removed, a September 16, 2016 post of him could be observed in which he wished a friend a. September 16, 2016, 6:12 p.m., Cesar Randazzo (MAGA Bomber) post on Facebook: By the time this author went looking, Cesar's Facebook page already was deleted, so it was impossible to figure out who this "Ricki" is or even to 100% confirm that this post was made. Managed to make a huge fortune right through the Great Depression of the 1930s. "Revisionism" simply doesn't make sense for people in Europe, many of who still have grandmothers who remember how the Jews were taken away during World War II - and seldom, if ever, came back. Board member of the predominatly "new left" Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) from 2005 until at least 2017 - which clearly played a role in him later promoting himself as an "ally" of the "left". Such monetarist "surrogate warfare" pitting manipulated Papists versus manipulated anti-Papists and, today, the Institute for Policy Studies and allied Social Democratic factions versus the Buckleys, has been the principle counter-revolutionary device used by monetarist banking forces to contain the development of humanism and maintain their empires." It somewhat worked for the United States - although nothing brought back fate in the economy as the preparation for World War II. This was much in the same way that the elite-embraced William Buckley, Jr. launched his conservative revolution in the early 1950s. The Christian conservatives primarily represent the first two; the Zionists and neocons the latter. Beth Schwartzapfel: This is Kristen Bell. That nobody, nobody should have to endure. Donald Rumsfeld became chairman of the Institute for Contemporary Studies in the mid 1980s. Beth Schwartzapfel: Hey there, just a heads up: This episode contains a brief mention of sexual assault. Director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in Afghanistan and Iraq July 2004 - June 2007, under General Stanley McChrystal, the commanding general of JSOC September 2003 - February 2006 and commander until August 2008. You could say, as the Woburn Police Chief did at the time. Horrible childhood. And that was the beginning of a long fight over what to do about a kid like Jake. It represents the sugar-coated fascist-colonialist plundering of so many of the regimes that Cercle and American Security Council members have supported. The video is 25 minutes in length but I would allow for 30-40 minutes to complete it since there are questions before and after the video. From the late 1980s until the early 2000s, leading light of the VVD was Frits Bolkestein. Prolific author since 2014, much related to. By 1968 Carto was involved in the founding of Youth For Wallace, which in 1970 became the National Alliance, the premier Nazi organization in the United States. In fact, they have been liberal-socialist, which means "free market" with rules in place to shave off some of the sharp edges of the capitalist system. Thats what the Kanes want. That same year he started a campaign to boot the John Birch Society out of the conservative movement. Bannon and Conway both were Council for National Policy, with the Mercers being the CNP's largest donors in the pre-Trump era. October 1, 2003, Salon, 'Matt Drudge, GOP scourge? The shenanigans in the office of Senator Henry Jackson occurred in the same period that a number of CIA-linked "neocon" foundations began building the "neocon" movement - except that half these foundations also contained liberal Eastern Establishment elites on their board. They are always brought in as assistants. Assassinated one week before the elections by. A huge gap in wealth inequality, especially since the early 2000s under finance minister Netanyahu. ': November 19, 2017, Die Welt, 'Israel to deport 40,000 African refugees without their consent': March 21, 2021, Jerusalem Post, 'Netanyahu fixates on African migrants but Likud has no policy': "About 31,000 migrants remain living in Israel, despite the government's various attempts at convincing them to leave, including detention upon arrival and blocking access to part of their income until they depart both of which the Supreme Court vetoed and offering to pay them to leave. Stephen Miller: Senior policy advisor to the Trump campaign on trade and immigration. Obviously only a small aspect of the "Alt Right" is Nazi, with other elements complaining regularly about this mischaracterization by the mainstream media. Mozes is the publisher of Israel's largest newspaper (also the largest in the 1980s, under his father), Yedioth Ahronoth, and, after a bit of checking by this author, happens to have business ties to George Soros through his sister: March 13, 2012, Globos (Israel), 'Soros, Rakib, Mozes to invest in Brazilian mobile venture': March 16, 2015, The National Post, 'Benjamin Netanyahu claims 'worldwide' conspiracy trying to unseat him in last-ditch effort to rally support': January 13, 2021, Globes (Israel), 'Sheldon Adelson's death the end of a conservative era? ': January 12, 2017, Jewish Business News, 'Netanyahu promises to go after Media Mogul Mozes if He pummels him during election, Report': ""According to sources close to the case, Mozes explained to Netanyahu that the attacks against him in the press, which are authorized by him (Mozessed), are the result of him not being able to sit quietly while the prime minister tries to destroy his family's work, " Gidi Weitz reported.". His father bought him his first PC, on which Drudge created his website in 1995, often uploading gossip notes he found in the trashcan at his low-level day job at CBS. Beth Schwartzapfel: What professors and other experts like Kristen have shown is that in a world where sunshine is the best disinfectant, parole boards members in many states are using their very wide discretion in the dark. In July 1974, Pinochet appointed "Chicago boys" and "shock therapy" enthusiasts Sergio de Castro and Jorge Cauas to aid Saez and Leniz in reconstructing the economy. Netanyahu would meet Shultz again in 1989, working under Arens as deputy foreign minister. Founded DailyStormer news site in mid 2013. August 2005 issue, HP/De Tijd magazine, interview with Eduard Bomhoff: Mont Pelerin member Eduard Bomhoff, one of two from the Netherlands in 2010: Columnist NRC Handelsblad newspaper 1989-2002 and at one point considered a likely heir to leading Dutch conservative Jerome Heldring. The earlier-released 'Turner Diaries' describes a ultraconservative Christian-fascist terrorist guerilla war against the "liberal elite", which it of course really substitutes with "Jew". Director of intelligence, International Security Assistance Force, Afghanistan 2009-2010, again under McChrystal. How much time you actually spend in prison or in some cases whether you get out at all is decided by a parole board. The combined effect of the foreign credit squeeze and domestic copper strikes [of workers now demanding 25-38% higher wages after nationalizations, with 32% increase putting Chile's copper price at global levels] on Chile's foreign exchange position was devastating. Also tied to Erik Prince and anti-communist Chinese billionaire Miles Kwok: September 22, 2017, New York Times, 'In Beijing and Abu Dhabi, Signs of Bannon's Continued Influence': October 14, 2018, The Times, 'Gold mine boss digs in with Bannon': July-August 2019, Socialist Review, 'The Brink': May 25, 2019, Forbes, 'Steve Bannon Is Ready For His Closeup. They use their "left-right" agents internationally to sabotage opposing policies. Victims families are also navigating this process without any real clarity. In 1946 Friedman received his Ph.D. from Columbia University, being tutored, in part, by Burns. So did the anti-Vietnam War protests and partly all the CIA investigations of the 1970s, all of which helped shift public attitude towards the left. 1, 2018, Huffington Post, 'Trump's Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec': November 4, 2020, Euronews, 'Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janaa congratulates Donald Trump despite no election result Access to the comments': Dec. 8, 2020,, 'Prime Minister Janez Jana and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the importance of innovation for the future of the two countries', Aug. 21, 2021 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @V4Report: ". Established in 2004 by computer scientist. McVeigh, being an extremely good shot, thrived in the army. But not every vote is created equal. Friedman, of course, will most likely always argue that this simply is due to GDP increase and that probably even higher growth numbers would have been achieved without the implementation of these social measures. ], [defense 1981-1983, foreign affairs 1988-1999, PM 2001-2006; founded Likud in 1973 with Begin], [foreign affairs 1986-1988, 1992-1995, 2001-2002; PM 1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996; president 2007-2014; protege David Ben-Gurion], [former deputy director CIA; member WACL; founder of the US Global Strategy Council in 1981 and headed it from 1986 to 1994], [head Air Force Intelligence 1971-1977; retired in 1977; directly after his retirement claimed that the USSR was working on charged-particle beam weapons; vice chair Coalition for Peace through Strength 1980-1993], [who employed half a dozen later-prominent Jewish neocons in his office], [Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog, the founders of the Zionist Union party, which existed Dec. 2014-Jan. 2019], [note: total lie; globalist PMs as Ruud Lubbers, Wim Kok and those after them simply forced this onto the population, together with media and business elites], [labels itself part of the "European New Right" and the "Alt Right" has a rather militaristic/Nazi-like logo; still a terrible website, founded in late 2017; 1,000 Twitter followers as of February 2019; almost certainly controlled opposition], [pro-feminist, Black Panther, etc. The clues: July 11, 2014, Mike Cernovich for his (defunct) site, '31 Random Facts About Mike': Mid December 2015 it appears, tweets of @Cernovich (all removed, also of SJWs he mentions): October 13, 2016, 01:56, Post No.92669669, 4Chan: June 3, 2017, 7:04:48 GMT, Reddit post by "MalReynolds1": November 20, 2017 tweet of Graham Linehan (@Glinner): Facebook has been described by ISGP as a virtual CIA front for a number of reasons, not the least of which initial investor and long-time director Peter Thiel: a conservative, Trump-supporting libertarian leader of the old "PayPal Mafia" who managed to get a seat on Bilderberg's steering committee, alongside Alex Karp, with whom he founded datamining firm Palantir, a recipient of CIA funding through In-Q-Tel. A disgraced cop in debt is forced to return to his home state of Florida for a shady mission only to get swept up in a wild and deadly treasure hunt. Interestingly, Richard Perle is actually not the most connected neocon of all. John M. Deutch. Not allowing a movement to have a name aids in marginalizing it. That same year Friedman received employment at the University of Chicago's School of Economics, where certainly by the early 1960s, he became lifelong close friends with George Shultz. Guy Rutherfurd, the lawyer of both the Achelis and Bodman families forged the friendship between the two families and chaired the board of both foundations at some point. And none of them expose very obvious conspiracies as the JFK assassination and 9/11. April 12, 2019,, 'Two-ring boxing match between climate denier Baudet and climate mafioso Rotmans'. (accessed: February 23, 2011): (accessed: February 23, 2019): Lots of neocon-backing and very anti-Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an NGO located at Capitol Hill that is very pro-Muslim immigration. March 25, 2011, New York Magazine, 'Arianna Huffington Finally Turns on Andrew Breitbart': In 2007 Breitbart's childhood friend, the Russian-Jewish Larry Solov, became general counsel to Breitbart News. The most militant members of "The Organization" start executing judges, legislators and newspaper editors, although these operations are dialed down after the initial unrest. Looking at all the ties Friedman had to American Security Council and Cercle Pinay favorites, support for a murderous dictator really is nothing unusual at all. The purpose of this "conservative CIA" oversight is to identify media outlets and other supposedly grassroots organizations as having semi-clandestine "conservative CIA" foundation backing. In the final years of his life he was to be found on one of the boards of Conrad Black's super-elite Hollinger Group, along with Kissinger, Brzezinski, the Rothschilds and more openly-known neocon elites as Richard Perle (and Black himself). At the time, the DIA was headed by General Mike Flynn, who became Trump's first national security advisor in 2016-2017. Just because John Birchers, Fox News and the Chicago School of economists often say so, doesn't mean that liberals and socialists actually are "communists" and "collectivists". Trump's initial secretary of state in 2017 and early 2018, Rex Tillerson, chair and CEO of ExxonMobil from 2006 to 2017, came with a long-set of elite Bush era recommendations (with CFR president Richard Haass being considered for the no. Graduated high school in the U.S. in 1967 and moved to Israel to join the IDF. That is not something that can just be swept aside. He was serving a life sentence without parole, when Governor Dukakis gave him a few days off. We need you to take responsibility.. Kahn received the blessing of New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller - a major supporter of Kahn's idea to build massive amounts of nuclear fall-out shelters - in setting up the Hudson Institute, becoming a close advisor to the governor and serving on many of his committees. On his sticker compilations, the MAGA Bomber featured top "liberal CIA" assets, A video also surfaced of Sayoc at a Donald Trump rally rabidly screaming with a group of fellow-activists. Gaffney founded the Center for Security Policy, the unofficial neocon successor of the American Security Council. Even after hours of research on February 22, 2019, her name is still unknown to ISGP. 2008. December 24, 1993, Los Angeles Times, 'Judge Clears City in Man's Defamation Suit': February 5, 2001, Insight on the News, 'The Plot Thickens in PROMIS Affair': Foundation in existence from 1953 to 2005. Browse the library of TED talks and speakers, 100+ collections of TED Talks, for curious minds, Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED, Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Learn from TED speakers who expand on their world-changing ideas, Recommend speakers, TED Prize recipients, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community, 8,983,921 views | Christina Greer TED-Ed. Friedman might be cutting a few corners here. Beth Schwartzapfel: How did you know, you know, how much to weigh, one thing versus another thing? Stone continued as one of the most important Infowars contributors and a close Alex Jones friend for years after. For people like Jake, trying to get parole is like walking a highwire. This came down to temporary government deficit spending and other interventionist measures to either continue or re-ignite the economy. 2014 Membership Directory, Council of National Policy, p. 155: Rather liberal elite-oriented, with large amounts to Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown Pew Charitable Trusts, the Center for a New American Security ($200,000 in 2011), etc. Minister of housing and construction 1990-1992 under Shamir. Member of the Dallas Petroleum Club, along with his sons, families as Hunt, and along with Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA) handler George de Mohrenschildt and Texas School Book Depository (from where Oswald fired at JFK) owner Harold Byrd. "Too much, too rigid, and too intrusive a government," Mr. Friedman said, citing socialist policies, a high level of government ownership, and private monopolies. But ultimately you dont get to decide. In fact, it was Richard Spencer, a major Trump supporter and president of the Regnery-funded Nazi outfit National Policy Institute, who in 2010 registered the urls and, today the home of an inactive Nazi-esque news website. Endowment of $521 million in 2013. Hoover and LBJ were annual guests of the Texas oil men Clint Murchison, Sr. and Sid Richardson at Hotel del Charro in California and the nearby racetracks. Not even a Republican: Woolsey is Democrat with early ties to the liberal Eastern Establishment through think tanks as CSIS, etc. November 1, 2005, [ASC president and CEO] John M. Fisher, 'History Milestones: American Security Council and American Security Council Foundation': The Smith Richardson Foundation has been accused of involvement in the CIA's MK-ULTRA, in Iran Contra, and certainly has a close relationship with retired CIA officials and foreign policy specialists, not to mention (child) psychologists and behavioral scientists. Annual visitor of Bilderberg since 2007 and soon joined the steering committee, this together with long-time Google CEO Eric Schmidt and later also his Palantir partner Alex Karp. [9] Jackson is also known to have been a darling of the American Security Council and to have visited the secretive Cercle group of Shackley, although it was mainly Perle or an assistant of his, Pat Balestreri, who showed up as a Pentagon liaison to Le Cercle in the 1980s. However, in 2009 a certain David Cole, a.k.a. December 5, 2018,, 'Dutch set to back Marrakesh migration pact next week'. 1988, John B. Judis, 'William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of the Conservatives': National Review founder Buckley, Jr. did what he could to protect the liberal Eastern Establishment by serving as a buffer between them and the more hardcore Christian conservatives and their John Birch Society thoughts about the Eastern Establishment. *) June 1, 2009, Senza Soste (Livorno, Italy), 'Giancarlo Valori, il nuovo capo della P2 ricevuto in pompamagna a Livorno' ('Giancarlo Valori, the new head of the P2, received in grand style in Livorno'): 2014, Johannes Grossmann, 'Die Internationale der Konservativen. National Security advisor in 2016-2017, 'Two-ring boxing match between climate denier Baudet and climate mafioso Rotmans.... Decided by a parole board founded the Center for Security Policy, with the Mercers being the CNP 's donors... To join the IDF CSIS, etc: this episode contains a brief mention of sexual assault Chief... 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