The regions are ethnically and religiously distinct, with Arab Muslims dominating the culture of Sudan and Christian Africans dominating the culture of Southern Sudan.Border disputes can also develop as communities seek to establish their own city. Like a geometry student with a ruler, Byrd pushed into the actual terrain, treating it as an idealized realm of space, even while experience proved otherwise. The borders of four countries divide Africas Lake Chad: Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Nigeria. However, artificial borders limited borderland people to herding on limited land and forced them into resource competition and confrontation due to limited mobility with other borderland peoples. 5 (May, 1996), pp. The concerns of a representative from the urban area of St. Louis, Missouri, for instance, are less likely to be issues affecting farmers than a representative from rural Missouri, which is dominated by agriculture. Boundaries, Defining the Arab World and the Middle East, M.A., Geography, California State University - Northridge, B.A., Geography, University of California - Davis. In far southeastern Manitoba, Canada, lies an inlet of the Lake of the Woods that is part of the United States. Italy-Vatican: 3.2 kilometers 3.
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. There are approximately 35 million Kurds living throughout Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Armenia. Egypt-Palestine: 11 kilometers 5. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 This quiz has not been published by Sporcle. Of the 50 states, only the border of Hawaii is not defined by any straight lines. Most of these colonies obtained independence during the 1900s. WebBorders are geographic boundaries that can be divided into physical borders and political borders. Consequently, two countries that share a natural boundary must agree on a method of marking a boundary line. Macedonia (0.921) 8. Pennsylvania, excluding its eastern border on the Delaware River and the northwestern nub on Lake Erie, is a near rectangle. Between the Azerbaijan and Armenia border, there are a combined total of four exclaves or islands of territory that lie in the opposite country. While the shared border of Maryland and Pennsylvania would become particularly culturally significant, it shares a quality with every other province and ultimately almost every American state: rectilinearity. It is 3,485 km long. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". For example, citizens of the 27-country European Union may travel freely among any of the member states. Borders are, by definition, political boundaries, and they separate countries, states, provinces, counties, cities, and towns. Its reasons for existing are, ultimately, a cartographic error, an inconsistency between two charters, which led to violence in the first half of the eighteenth century. 4 (October 2012), pp. Every country (except for some island nations) borders another country, but that doesnt mean every border is the same. The border spans from the Gulf of Mexico in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. (See also Colonialism in Africa, Ethnic Groups and Identity,Nationalism. Which Countries Border The United Arab Emirates? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. United Arab Emirates-Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates-Oman. These European colonists created the borders of most African countries. Nancy Clem was a Gilded Age con artist whose swindles eventually turned deadly. A border is a real or artificial line that separates geographic areas. Moreover, theseboundaries did not define all the available space in Africa. Consequently, two countries that share a natural boundary must agree on a method of marking a boundary line. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
She or he will best know the preferred format. Some islands found on either side of the maritime border become interconnected in the winter after the freezing of the sea, making illegal cross-border movement possible. European powers divided up regions between themselves and drew borders dividing mainly to avoid a dispute with other powers. With a land border that stretches 7,593 miles, the United States borders Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. This was fundamentally an Enlightenment project of imposing an imagined order on messy realities, of what Kaeuper describes as the urge that the wilderness must not remain uncharted, to impose order on the wilds. For Byrd, it was only by extending the line westward, that chaos takes recognizable form, becomes consequential as a potentiality. His was a rationalist ideology of making reality conform to our abstract expectations. Mongolia has only two land borders, one with China and one with Russia. 11, No. Also even a border that was initially defined to follow a straight line, it's often changed to a series of survey points which vary from the ideal "straight line" they may have been trying to follow. Many African country borders look like perfectly straight lines. But examine a map of the United States and youll see, in contrast to European countries or English counties, that 49 of the states have a straight part of their border at some point, whether its the Florida panhandle, or western Massachusetts, or the four sides of California, with its long diagonal boundary with Nevada.
Link: JSTOR, the JSTOR logo, and ITHAKA are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. We also examine the political considerations, such as peace negotiations and the exertion of power, and the role of natural features like rivers, mountains, and geology in determining borders. The border between the US and Canada between Lake of the Woods and Georgia Strait isn't really a straight line, it's an approximation of a circular arc using a series of short segments. In this video, we explore the history and evolution of borders and why they are often depicted as straight lines on maps.
The border is tied to the Line of Control, which separates the highly-contested territory of Kashmir. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. The border between the US and Canada between Lake of the Woods and Georgia Strait isn't really a straight line, it's an approximation of a circular arc using a series of short segments. The boundary between the two continents is just merely a historical and cultural construct. Borders are political boundaries. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Namibia's Caprivi Strip Northeastern Namibia has a panhandle that extends far east several hundred miles and separating Botswana from Zambia. 75, No.
"The 10 Most Unusual International Borders." France-Monaco: 4.4 kilometers 4. This map illuminates some of the confusion. These agreements include the Gadsden Purchase, the Adams-Onis Treaty, and the Treaty of Limits. 6. A border is a real or artificial line that separates geographic areas. Citizens within these borders often vote as a unit, based on shared political beliefs. Military presence along the border is minimal, making it the worlds longest undefended border. The border with Oman is not defined. By the 1880sEuropean explorers such as Sir Richard BURTON, David LIVINGSTONE,Henry Morton STANLEY, and John Speke were staking national claims tolarger and larger portions of African territory. Inaccurate measurements and ambiguous language led to a dispute between the Quaker Penn family and the Catholic Calverts in Maryland. National bordersoften divide members of ethnic groups or force historical enemies to livetogether. There are some enclaves near the border that are a point of dispute between the countries. As a result of the Scramble, the map of Africa changed from a collectionof loosely defined ethnic territories into a series of fixed colonialstates. In some cases, these new territorial lines divided ethnic groups betweendifferent colonial powers. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Kurds WayThe Kurds are the largest ethnic group in the world without their own state. For 50 years this ambiguity was of minimal importance. The amount of territory that each nationactually colonized depended largely on its power in Europe. People can usually move freely within their own country s borders, but may not be allowed to cross into a neighboring country. 5. The border between the US and Canada between Lake of the Woods and Georgia Strait isn't really a straight line, it's an approximation of a circular arc using a series of short segments. ). People can usually move freely within their own country s borders, but may not be allowed to cross into a neighboring country. The agreement and international line were named after the American Secretary of State and Russian Foreign Minister who signed the treaty; James Baker and Eduard Shevardnadze. In many African countries, a significant portion of their population belongs to groups split by colonial partitions. Many African country borders look like perfectly straight lines. Southeastern Alaska contains a peninsula of rocky and icy islands, known as the Alexander Archipelago, that cuts Canada's Yukon Territory as well as northern British Columbia off from the Pacific Ocean. A section of the border, at San Ysidro, San Diego, claims to be the world's busiest border crossing with around 14 million crossings every year. Countries protect their borders for several reasons. For the most part, the border crosses remote regions with mountainous terrain and dense forests. Lpezs gender and appearance helped her contribute to anti-imperial and suffrage movements in a way her male peers couldnt. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Thailand is exactly what its name suggests. Nations are rarely willing to relinquish their borders. Escaping the drudgery of housekeeping via collective action became a feminist focus of utopian practitioners and theorists in the later nineteenth century. This map illuminates some of the confusion. A small minority dont, such as Canada, South Korea, and Indonesia. However, the country to its north, Mongolia, shares the longest border with China. Most of these colonies obtained independence during the 1900s. This territory is Alaskan, and thus part of the United States. On the US side, Montana, Washington, Alaska, North Dakota, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Michigan, and Idaho are the 13 American states that touch the border. Poland (0.919) 10. Name all of the countries that have more than 155 miles (250 km) of straight borders. For example, the boundary between France and Spain follows the crest of the Pyrenees mountains. These countries, which are among the largest states in the world, share the fifth longest land border in the world. Have a correction or comment about this article? The geographer Harald Bauder writes in the Annals of the Association of American Geographers about one variety of border, explaining that [c]oncrete visual objects such as rivers, lakes, mountain ranges, and shorelines often mark the border as a physical barrier. Think of the Pyrenees separating France and Spain, or the meandering Rio Grande. You need to think about what "straight line" actually means. WebThe amount of territory that each nation actually colonized depended largely on its power in Europe. The San Ysidro border crossing between the US and Mexico is the world's busiest land border in terms of traffic. WebNote: Basically, name any countries which have at least 250 km of straight borders (coastlines don't count, even if they were straight) with another country. 1 Insane_Nine 2 yr. ago Well ok, I meant straight lines on a map, I didn't take the globe into account [deleted] 2 yr. ago What is an example of a superimposed boundary? Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, which were strong and rising European forces, ultimately controlled more land in Africa than weaker countries such as Spain and Portugal. Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds. In the latter case, however, it's just an illusion, as the state borders contain multiple irregularities (see, for example, Colorado is a rectangle? Therefore, many U.S. states have straight lines as boundaries, especially in the West. A militiaman who claimed Pennsylvanias magistrates had no jurisdiction over him, Cresaps actions resulted in bloody confrontations between the two colonies. ChinaRussia - 4,133 km The China-Russia land border is 4,133 km long. The Virginian planter William Byrd IIs The History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina and The Secret History of the Line take as their subject his part in the 1728 mission to correctly survey the border between those royal colonies, whose contours were inexact due to yet another error in charters granted by Charles II. WebThis Is Why Countries Have Straight Borders. WebThis Is Why Countries Have Straight Borders. Botswana-Zambia: 0.15 kilometers 2. However, there is no significant physical distinction between the two continents. European powers divided up regions between themselves and drew borders dividing mainly to avoid a dispute with other powers. This map illuminates some of the confusion.
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Byrd, and later Mason and Dixon, used ruler and compass to chart geometrical maps, ignoring the chaos of terrain. In the case of Africa, some of its countries borders have straight-line because they colonized by European powers. This can lead to civil war.The area of southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula (known as the Balkans) has a long history of ethnic conflict and disputed borders. You cannot download interactives. The border between North Korea and South Korea, for example, is a purely political one; the Korean people share a united history, culture, and language. Buoys mark the boundary line if it passes along or across a large lake. Borders are political boundaries. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. China, the 3rd largest country in the world, shares its 22,147 km long borders with 14 nations. Despite the fact that the countries have never ratified the treaty, both countries respect the outlined boundary line and hold meetings after every two years to revise the agreement. Friendly NeighborsCanada and the United States share the world's longest undefended border, stretching 6,416 kilometers (3,987 miles). The international land border between the United States and Canada is the longest in the world at almost 8,900 kilometers. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In the case of Africa, some of its countries borders have straight-line because they colonized by European powers. The nation of Germany was divided between East Germany and West Germany from 1949-1989. Cte d'Ivoire (0.919) 9. WebThis Is Why Countries Have Straight Borders. For example, Germanylost its African territories after suffering defeat in World War I, and theseterritories were incorporated into the colonies of other nations. Cambodian and Thai military units are positioned along the border near Preah Vihear Temple, and skirmishes often result in deaths on both sides. Rosenberg, Matt. Canada, the worlds second largest country, shares the longest international land border with the United States. Nauru (0.917) The UK ranked 159th, with a score of 0.763. The international land border between the United States and Canada is the longest in the world at almost 8,900 kilometers.
If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Borders are the geographic boundaries between countries. They are better thought of as arcs of circles centred on one of the poles. The Caprivi Strip is named for German Chancellor Leo von Caprivi, who made the panhandle part of German South-West Africa to provide Germany access to Africa's eastern coast. This is obvious with the newer western statesColorado, Wyoming, Utah. In January 2011, the citizens of southern Sudan voted to secede from Sudan and form their own nation. Namibia's Caprivi Strip Northeastern Namibia has a panhandle that extends far east several hundred miles and separating Botswana from Zambia. Why does Africa have so many straight borders? However, artificial borders limited borderland people to herding on limited land and forced them into resource competition and confrontation due to limited mobility with other borderland peoples. With a land border that stretches 7,593 miles, the United States borders Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. They say it will lead to more taxes and government rules.Other residents support incorporation and setting their own borders. Another example of this was the experience of Native Americans in the United States. The scholar Geoffrey Kaeuper writes in theSouthern Literary Journal that Byrd clearly prides himself on this inflexibility, and the miles and poles are often set in opposition to harsh natural conditions. Byrd himself celebrated that he had extended the line near eight miles, notwithstanding the ground was very uneven.. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 14 nations African countries these colonies obtained independence during the 1900s borders have straight-line they! Busiest land border with the United States borders Canada in the south it will lead to more taxes government... 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