Does vitamin K increase the risk of stroke? I'm trying to find studies that show the effect of "low" 25-0H vitamin D levels, what happens when supplementing with vitamin K2. A clinical approach of targeting a higher 25(OH)D value seems prudent in that improving vitamin D status should reduce multiple adverse consequences of vitamin D deficiency at an extremely low cost with minimal toxicity risk. Peptic ulcer disease. So, as I am trying to improve my bone health, I. take K and D separately - at least 4 hours apart to maximize absorption. I didn't try K2 supplement, but I've just googled and turns out spinach and kale have a lot of K, and I eat a lot of those. The recommended adequate intake for vitamin K depends on age and gender. Bone loss: Taking Vitamin D3 with K2 has been shown to benefit people at risk of bone loss.Numerous studies have shown that low vitamin K causes reductions in bone mineral density (BMD) and increases fracture risk. early signs of vitamin D overdose--weakness, metallic taste in your mouth, weight loss, muscle or bone pain, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. (7). Deficiency is particularly common among breastfed infants. For example, one study demonstrated that supplementing with calcium and vitamin D increased weight loss and fat loss compared to a control group. Sandra Hearth is the creator and writer behind "Wellbeing Port", a blog dedicated to promoting healthy living and personal wellness. I have one thing to add about timing. The opposite has been studies well enough, most search returns at vitamin D supplements with K2 or simply that both are needed. Website is useless: Thanks! Creatine. The higher dosage of 200mcg is especially recommended for people who have a history of cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis in their families. I still believe that the thesis that evolutionary pressure lead people to develop dark skin while living near the equator in America is true, but it needs more sources. The Wikipedia article used to suggest that cholecalciferol gets directly transformed into calcitriol but it seems it has to be converted to calcifediol first. I agree 100% with your last sentence! Its recommended that males over 19 years old consume 120 mcg daily, and females over 19 years old consume 90 mcg daily. Should I take D3 and K2 at same time? I'm like 80-90% sure it's D3, when I take it it gets worse, a few days after I stop it gets better. Do you have any ideas on what could cause this and how could I fix it? Because vitamin D is required for absorption of calcium, it is an important nutrient for supporting healthy bones and structural health. Have you researched this source of K2? I take 2 or 3 x 150 mg tablets of Mg bisglycinate. If you take 1,000 mg of calcium a day, split it into two or more doses over the day. I remember reading someone posting that they had a mini stroke and the Dr. suspected it may have been because the person was taking Vitamin K. Can it cause your blood to thicken? Do you have any reason to believe intestinal flora does not produce enough K2? Required fields are marked *. I however had to rewrite my post because it doesn't seem to be as easy. Her Vitamin D3 is 34.5 on a range of 30-100, so on the low end of the spectrum. Taking a Vitamin D3 supplement without K2 can have disastrous effect, as Vitamin D creates need for Vitamin K2 in the body. Dimitrios T. Papadimitriou argues in The Big Vitamin D Mistake that 10 000 IU should be consumed to reach the 40 ng/ml 25(OH)D blood level and that due to statistical errors its assumed in the official guidelines that less Vitamin D3 supplementation is required to reach that level. At the same time, Seth Roberts gathered examples of multiple people whose sleep improved when they took Vitamin D3 in the morning and whose sleep got worse when they took it in the evening. So then you have to take high doses of D for a few months to build up your levels to physiological "normal" status. Should I take mk4 or mk7 or both? issue of absorption is not tested on people. Press J to jump to the feed. (maybe Christiankl can comment here). TY. It was only when I consistently took daily 5000 IU plus K2 that I've reached 59 ng/ml 25(OH)D blood levels. How much K2 should I take with D3? Nice post! The first is about the timing of Vitamin D3 supplementation and the second is about K2. Also I live in a cold climate and definitely don't go out enough, so I don't get a lot of sunlight. Well, the only place that I found in a "softgel" format which included: calcium, K2 (mk7), D3, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese. You shared a minimum of information. Insomnia is due to D3 inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis and the production of PGD2, which induces sleep. I don't know if I need it, never took the blood test, I tried it based on all the artiles about how good it is and how most people are deficient in it. Other problems from calcium and vitamin D deficiencies include: What is daily intake of Vit C for adults? K2, however, is mostly found in fermented foods and animal products, and also produced by our intestinal microflora. Taking Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 helps to ensure the calcium transported by the Vitamin D is absorbed by your bones where it's needed, rather than accumulating in deposits in your arteries. (11). When you say you are low in Vitamin D, what are your values? Whether the supplements actually help me I don't know. [ Time Frame: 3 years ] Secondary Outcome Measures : Activation of the MGP measured by the dp-uc MGP level which is a marker of vascular calcification. She's on Xarelto 20 mg and was recommended an ablation. The reason that vitamin D3 is preferred over D2 is that D3 yields higher amounts of calcifediol as compared to the same dose of D2. I started supplementing vit D and my numbers only inched up. I've read on here to take them separately at different times of the day. If anyone who knows could be bothered letting me know whats already been said, probably multiple times, Id be really grateful. Vitamin D3 also helps with maintaining the immune system. In 2006, study findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that vitamin D3 helps in improving the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, which is a disabling disease of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Some people may also prefer taking them at certain times of day . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Trio Nutrition Magximum Magnesium Glycinate with Vitamin D3 K2 | Chelated Magnesium Supplement with MCT . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The phase IV clinical study analyzes what interactions people who take Probiotic and Vitamin d3 have. It is recommended that you take your vitamin D3 with a meal. Anyone have anything to say about Vitamin K2, I was really excited to try Vitamin K2 in MK7 form after hearing such good things about it, but Im disappointed it gives me such bad reactions; irritability, brain fog, memory problems, depression, apathy, fatigue. This question also leads to another. Vitamin D promotes the production of vitamin K-dependent proteins, which require vitamin K for carboxylation in order to function properly. Adults should ensure they are getting between 100 and 300 micrograms of vitamin K2 per day. Last week, I experienced numbnes, Hello. Thank you for your help. Ideal timing. D3 stimulates the usage of K2 and you need to replenish your supply of K2 as you increase your D3. Am I wrong? As a result I have decided to take MK4 (along with D3 etc) and it would seem to be sensible to start at a low dose of MK4. I take it every morning. I take mine apart so that they aren't competing for absorption. Do you have any data on how long the conversion takes? What do you mean with small amounts? Important note: If you regularly take vitamin D in form of a dietary supplement, for low vitamin D intake you should additionally take 100 mcg of vitamin K2 daily or, if you take 5,000 IU of vitamin D or more per day, take 200 mcg of vitamin K2 additionally each day, to ensure that calcium absorbed by vitamin D is not deposited in the arteries. [ Time Frame: 3 years ] From my perspective it however isn't a lot. Both versions can be used to treat vitamin D deficiency, but D3 seems to be more effective than D2. The bright side is, you will build strong bones by adding K2 to the mix. Vitamin K2 is only one of several very important co-nutrients that work in conjunction with vitamin D. Other important nutrients to consider taking with vitamin D include magnesium, B vitamins, zinc, boron, and probiotics - most of which can be found in a healthy, well-rounded diet. To get Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and Zinc you need to strengthen your immune system, call Doctor's Nutrition today at 228-897-0070. Recommended daily intake is 120 . I just read some story in the news that says vitamin D3 supplements isn't helpful for bone health, I say BS. Even if the map were based on skin color, that still wouldn't point to rapid evolution unless they excluded Australians of European descent. 24 Nov 2020 My main reason is that it seems that people who take a lot of Vitamin D3 but no Vitamin K2 show symptoms that correspond to Vitamin K2 deficiency and as a result it's prudent to suppelement K2 when supplementing Vitamin D3 seriously. K2 is found in animal liver and fermented foods which means food in which bacteria grew. (1) Iron is stored by a protein called ferritin, which is made by the liver, and so if ferritin is low, then Disclaimer: This website offers health, wellness, and nutritional information, and it is for your information only. Sunshine vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, while vitamin K is important for blood clotting and preventing calcification of the arteries. And a 2015 study shows that fat-soluble vitamin deficiency is also strongly associated with cardiovascular disease. Have you ever taken zinc. Corns, calluses, sores or warts. I've got a bottle of D3 3000IU and K2 Menaquinone MK7 200ug. I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Vitamin K2. As mentioned before, a high dose . Today, most westerners also don't eat animal liver while ancestral humans consumed it. It would be good to have more research to get more clear about MK-4 bioavailability. I'm not sure how much of a difference this makes though; taking it in the morning (with a not-fatty meal) is still enough to fix my deficiency. [14] Observational studies link low Vitamin K2 levels to blood vessel calcification with K2 being more important than K1. If your levels are low, take Bulletproof Vitamins A-D-K for an easy way to up your vitamin D3, the form more easily utilized by your body. (9). These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Yes, you should take D3 and K2 at the same time. The bottle states to take one 100 mcg pill a day. You started estrogen hormone replacement therapy or birth control. You have omitted the fact that vitamin K2 is produced not just by bacteria fermenting our food before we eat it, but also by bacteria in our intestines. Each serving contains an impressive 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 and 100 mcg of vitamin K2 and delivers medium-chain triglycerides and bile salts for maximum benefits. Does it matter? You could also just send an email to their support and ask. You will see all sorts of amounts recommend, I used to aim for approximately half Mg to my Ca intake of 1000 to 1200mg, but this would vary depending on the Mg content of my food. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Blueberries (14 microgram/half-cup) and grapes (11 micrograms/half-cup) and apples (up to 5 micrograms for one small apple) have lower amounts but are easy to add to a meal on the go. Strange isnt it. This formula delivers 125 mcg of vitamin D3, 2100 mcg of vitamin K and 1,000 mcg of iodine, which is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. Can I take vitamin C at the same time as l take D3 & K2 (MK7) in the morning? I have done a lot of research and it appears to me that Vitamin K2 is safe to take and is actually beneficial. We suggest this since some research shows that D3 is more effective if not taken at the same time as K2. The amount of K2 (mk7) was miniscule compared to the amount that I see recommended by people on this forum, I joined the community only last week and have been reading as much information as I can assimilate in posts about Vitamin K2. Think of it this way: calcium is like a baton, and vitamins D3 and K2 are like runners in a game of relay baton. I am wondering if there is anyone who has personal experience with documented improvement. One wonders just what body of knowledge is advising them? Well companies produce and market multi vitamins and that certainly can't be ok as we are well aware of. How much vitamin K do you need with vitamin D? My ng/ml 25(OH)D blood level a few years ago was 21 when I had breast cancer and subsequent mastectomy, even though I have lived in Greece for decades. Can you please advise me which is the best form to take? But if you mix it with green tea, black tea, or curcumin supplements, your body won't absorb the mineral. Not sure how I can make my values higher any hint? And yes, I believe taking it with a bit of fat helps absorption. That's one reason why we've created our own Vitamin D supplement. D3 is the active form of vitamin D and is produced in the kidneys. If you would only get 30% trans, that would be a problem as you might not get enough. My concern is the expense. So that's the standard deviation divided by the mean, all calculated purely from UVB levels throughout the year, not from skin color. According to one study in 17 people, taking vitamin D with the largest meal of the day increased vitamin D blood levels by about 50% after just 2-3 months ( 7 ). Do you take your vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 supplements at the same time? Supplementation reverses this. Another commenter asked about your 10,000 IUs - will you lower when you reach levels you want, or keep up those amounts? [This comment is no longer endorsed by its author], The case against ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) as a vitamin supplement, long it takes till Vitamin D3 is biologically active. MONDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) Animals given high levels of vitamin K showed a 37 percent reduction in calcium buildup in their arteries, a new study finds. Are pumpkin seeds good for you calories? I'll switch to taking it in the morning. A large teaspoonful of coconut oil is useful when you run out of fat meal options. Populations that become native Australians had to first leave Africa, then pass through Iran with his farther from the equator and then travel through the Philippines to arrive in Australia. Vitamins D and K are both fat-soluble vitamins and play a central role in calcium metabolism. What say you? Given that we dont have a routine clinical essay to measure vitamin D3 or vitamin D2 serum concentration we cant focus on their serum levels. Her nurse practitioner said to start taking Vitamin D3. van Ballegooijen AJ, Pilz S, Tomaschitz A, Grbler MR, Verheyen N. Dai Q, Zhu X, Manson JE, Song Y, Li X, Franke AA, Costello RB, Rosanoff A, Nian H, Fan L, Murff H, Ness RM, Seidner DL, Yu C, Shrubsole MJ. Saliva: Edibles can be detected in saliva for 1 to 3 days. Foremost, I generally recommend taking 320-500mcg per day of vitamin K2 in the form menaquinone K2-7 (320mcg + cofactors) or ADK Complete (5000 IU Vitamin A, 5000IU D3, and 500mcg K2-7) to support everyday wellness. Later in this article, I will make the case why I believe that the literature is likely biased to underrate the effect for systematic reasons. I do take cod liver for it's vit A retinol content, so I personally don't take either my K2 or D3 with this, again for fear of them competing with each other. Take one to three daily, depending on the dosage per capsule. As a guide, you should take 45mcg of Vitamin K2 per 1000 IU of Vitamin D3. The heart rate being steady instead of following a Hammock curve would be evidence that you are not sleeping well. I dont understand why such a tiny dose like 25 mcg make, Here is a continuing list of my favorite research for bone loss prevention. How Vitamin D3 and K2 Work Together. This is not health advice. Together to Avoid Side Effects. ConsumerLab states to not take them together, especially with the K vitamin, since absorption is greatly reduced. You could still be K2 deficient if you get a lot of K2. Boosts Bone Strength. About the only independent variable appearing to cause permanent change in the gut is dietary change, but did you know that your microbiome and microflora are drug manufacturers? muscle or bone pain. Taking Magnesium helps with D3 absorption. Seth Roberts makes here the point that we value the taste of umami that primarily comes from eating microbe-rich food in the ancestral environment. (, Also, magnesium deficiency can negatively impact bone and muscle health. Related: The answer is that it will depend on your health condition and your Vitamin D serum levels, and it will depend on who you talk to. It's OK to drink green tea beveragessuch as matcha just don't do it with your iron supplements, Dr. Cooperman says; spread the . I have been taking Vit K2 for years, thinking that as long as it was K2, that's all I had to know. Better Absorbed With Meals For this reason, it's recommended to take vitamin D supplements with a meal to enhance absorption. Apparently he is one of the world's leading experts in micro-nutrients and dietary supplement science. Can creatine cause irregular heartbeat? Having low levels of magnesium has been associated with heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis . D3, boron, silica, etc. As a supplement, quercetin may be safe if you take reasonable amounts for a short time, such as 500 milligrams twice a day for 12 weeks. While this isn't a meta-review it illustrates that plenty of people is strongly under the recommendation of the Endocrine Society. Wiki has a good quick listing on Vitamin K2 and lists the MK-4 variety of K2 as most researched. So, to prevent osteoporosis (if I don't already have it), That goes down by it's lonesome in the wee hours of the am. Cholecystectomy is a common surgical procedure in which the gallbladder is removed, usually because of bile duct stones or gallstones. Taking Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 helps to ensure the calcium transported by the Vitamin D is absorbed by your bones where its needed, rather than accumulating in deposits in your arteries. (. I take EVERY Day BEFORE BEDTIME: D3 10,000 UI , K2 MK7 200mcg, Zinc 30mg, Copper 0.3mg & Magnesium Glycinate 300mg, and I SLEEP LIKE A BABY. However, research published in August 2019 in the . I dont have strong reasons for 200 g but its the default size of supplements and theres no known toxicity of it. I asked about studies regarding K2 and D3 and it auto wipes? Thanks, Ill try zink again, and one day get around to doung blood test. Most people wont experience any effects from too much vitamin K. Several vitamins can be dangerous when you take too much of them, but for most people, vitamin K isnt one of them. How high is 10000 IU? What is vitamin K deficiency bleeding? There might also be other medical issues so it's worth checking with a doctor. Side effects. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Thanks for a response. Serotonin syndrome can even result in death. Solgar vitamin k2 is only from MK7 natto. k2, menaquinone 7 and the bottle says it's good for the bone building process. 9 of these (or an equivalent) a day; is 5mg a day (as suggested on the bottle) a complete waste of, listen to your body ,it is the best indicator of whats working for you & what isnt Generally, it's a good idea to listen to your body. Loss of appetite or bad taste in your mouth. Vitamin K is an essential vitamin. (, D3 not only enhances intestinal calcium absorption, but it is also well established that Vitamin D3 is essential to immune function modulation. According to the Evaluation, Treatment, and Prevention of Vitamin D Deficiency: an Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline: For clinical care, it appears that all current methodologies are adequate if one targets a 25(OH)D value higher than current cut points; for example, a value of 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) is without toxicity and virtually ensures that the individual's true value is greater than 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/L). I took D3 with light breakfast, in the morning. I just started taking the MK4 variety, as is used in Japan at a dose of 15 mg three times daily. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. D3 level was "22", with 20 supposedly being the low end 95% also isn't a huge problem as the cis stuff seems to do nothing, you just have to be aware that you are getting effectively 5% less of what you are looking for. Promotes the production of PGD2, which require vitamin K for carboxylation in order to function properly to. 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