Fairwater (1) Submarine) The more modern term for the conning tower of a submarine. The opposite of BROWN WATER. Aka 'Sin Bosun', 'Sky Bosun'. Sidewinder (AIM-9). Hogging The behavior of a ship where the midships area is supported by the crest of a wave but the bow and stern are less supported due to the troughs of the wave. Midrats - Food served at midnight for ongoing watchstanders, although the oncoming watch section commonly does not get up early enough to partake. Clear Datum - (1) (Submarine) To leave the area where you have been detected (see DATUM). Shell impacts must be observed by someone other than the firing unit, whether an aircraft or a team on the ground. CAMS - Central Atmosphere Monitoring System. (2) To fail or do poorly. This supposedly goes back to when bread was usually pretty stale and its taste could be improved by dunking it in milk. Butt (1) Cigarette. NOTE: When a 3-day liberty embraces only regular liberty time, such as a Saturday and Sunday with a Monday or Friday national holiday, when scheduled work hours are not included, the time off is treated as regular liberty. Gig Line On a sailors uniform, a line formed by the buttoned shirt, a crease on the belt buckle, and the trousers fly. See NUKE. Legal responsibility for safe flight and collision avoidance rests with the Air Traffic Control center, although a certain amount of legal and moral responsibility always rests with the pilot(s). Persistent rumors exist of entire, fully-outfitted machinery spaces which do not officially exist on the ships drawings. The brass would rather you went down for selling state secrets to the former Soviet Union than a D.U.I. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will host a Proposers Day in support of the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR001123S0025, Faithful Integrated Reverse-Engineering and Exploitation (FIRE) program on March 16-17, 2023 at the Booz Allen Hamilton Auditorium located at 8283 Greensboro Drive, McLean, VA 22102 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 May be counted for a pilot, a squadron, or an airwing. Refers to pressgang leader Andrew Miller who, it was said, owned the Royal Navy. "Anchors aweigh" The anchor has left the bottom. "And if you look 'way down there, you can see the golden rivet!". I hope you took a course in stand up comedy in college, sir (or maam) because a good safety brief does deter stupid sh*t. Officers, dont put your reputation on the chopping block for a troop who came back hot during the unit drug test. This page was last edited on 23 June 2022, at 12:52. Dog Dish The white hat worn by junior enlisted personnel. Chinese Fire Drill Any evolution notable for its complete lack of coordination or military smartness. A contraction of "midnight rations.". "Pay Call" is a bimonthly call. Fresnel lens installations are also found on almost all Naval Air Station runways. Barrack Stanchion (RNZN) A sailor who rarely goes to sea. Includes rates such as IC (Interior Communications Electrician) and EM (Electrician's Mate), though nuke EMs are seldom seen outside the plant. Dead Head The resistance of a magnetic compass to swinging back and forth excessively; a compass with insufficient deadhead will swing so much (due to normal movement of the ship or aircraft) that it is difficult to steer a course. "Anchors up and down" The anchors flukes have broken free of the bottom, and the shank is more or less vertical. Buddy Store A self-contained unit which makes it possible for aircraft not originally designed as tankers to deliver a limited amount of fuel to other aircraft. In S-3 Vikings, more properly an Overwater Jet Navigator (OJN). Pronounced "A triple-F". Still: Used to call the crew to attention. Break (the) - Maneuver used by pilots of tactical aircraft to slow to traffic pattern speed. Refers to the size of the sterns of some (usually female) navy personnel. Other types of arresting gear, ashore and afloat, involve complicated braking mechanisms. Head Marine toilet. AEF/A (USN submarine) Auxiliary Electrician Forward/Aft. Take that, stupid seniors. Captain's Table - (RN) A disciplinary hearing. Gunny - Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). Deck Ape - Surface fleet personnel, usually Boatswain's Mates, that care for topside gear and equipment. Usually implies that all his assigned work is done and he is not in trouble at the moment. Reportedly, due to the "high and tight" haircut favored by many marines; it looks as if someone put a bowl on the victims head and cut or shaved off all the hair that protruded. Black and Bitter Coffee, no sugar or cream added. Loadtoad (1) (aviation) See REDSHIRT. May or may not result in the aircraft entering a spin. Brown-Shirt (Aviation) A Plane Captain, so called because of the brown jersey he wears; a.k.a. This announcement may be used to fill additional vacancies within 60 days of issuance of selection certificate. U.S. Navy ships anchor in outer Pattaya Bay and liberty parties are ferried to and from shore by local commercial boats, which normally make the run in 15 to 18 minutes. Boomer Widow The wife of a boomer sailor, if she chooses to stray while hes on patrol. Generally used for lines of small diameter. It is also the official badge of US Navy quartermasters, chief boatswain's mates, and boatswain's mate and also in the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps. The Liberty Program offers the opportunity to participate in fun and innovative adventures for all single, unaccompanied military members and their guests in an alcohol and tobacco-free environment. EB Green Nuke duct tape. Deflection 1) (Gunnery) The adjustment of fire to the left or right. On board, new folks assigned to duty in Taiwan. Bitching Betty The (usually female-voiced) cockpit warning system of many aircraft today. Used to wait out a squall or storm. Watchstation of the EOOW. See CONN. (2) (Aviation) Generating a contrail. Differs from 'PAINT' (q.v.) In the Navy, it's essential to remember that "loose lips sink ships." OPSEC is everyone's responsibility. Foul Deck - A flight deck which is unsafe for landings. Monkeys were typically made of brass (though monkeys made of rope were used as well). Typically, a 180-degree turn to the downwind leg at 4.5-6 G's (depending on speed of entry and type of aircraft). Thanks to their efforts to steer clear of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Navy says two American warships that set sail in mid-January broke the modern record on Thursday for. Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call With Malaysia's Senior Minister of Defense Mohamad Hasan. Acey-Deucey Backgammon, a board game traditionally played in off-duty hours. Applies to many military schools. Some specific applications: (1) A process for cleaning water-sides of a boiler. The command needs to make sure that there are plenty of tourist options available. a woman Marine. Bow Array (Submarine) That part of the subs sonar suite which is located in the bow. Generally used for large-diameter lines. Derived from "watch under!". (4) Missiles, especially in the surface community. '205 Tomcat ball, 3.5'. (3) Easy or "sweet" duty. However, since majority of troops are those who exhibit good character, they will be promoted in waves. Heave Out And Trice Up Originally, a call for sailors to get out of their hammocks, roll them up, and trice (tie) them to the ships rail. 'Fox Four' is sometimes used derisively to refer to a midair collision. See FLOOR. Allows up to six weapons to be hung on a single set of shackles, depending on weight and other limitations. Please remember his family in prayer and his obituary is posted at our Eternal Deployment web-page. (3) An easy job, or one involving a minimum of red tape. Captain of the Focs'le. Other material conditions may be set as needed, dictated by the threat. Replaced protein foam. His minions direct the placement of aircraft on the deck, monitor the operation of catapults and arresting gear, and direct firefighting efforts if a crash occurs. Dry Thrust (Aviation) Thrust rating of an aircraft jet engine without afterburner. Knock It Off (Aviation) The radio call to stop an ACM engagement. Andrew (the) - (UK) Nickname for the Royal Navy. Train hard. See SCUTTLEBUTT. As a verb, the act of returning to base or a tanker because of low fuel state. Calve The process whereby icebergs form, as chunks of ice fall from a glacier into the sea. Can also indicate a radio frequency that is over-used: "The tactical frequency was clobbered.". Crossdeck Pendant, CDP - The wire (cable) which the hook of a carrier aircraft catches to accomplish an arrested landing. Flying Bravo When a woman is menstruating, she is said to be flying Bravo. The Bravo alphabet flag is all red. Liberty Boat Various small craft used to shuttle personnel ashore and back aboard when the ship is anchored out rather than moored alongside. Published: September 30, 2022 4:21 PM EST. Graduation is a tremendous milestone and every graduate deserves recognition for their achievement. This is the normal daylight underway material condition, and represents a minimal condition of watertight integrity. (2) The expendable portion of the XBT (q.v. See also BROWN WATER. Generally used by fitting a wooden stick into a socket in the top surface of the stone. (2) Someone who repeatedly tells uninteresting sea stories. 130-rpm fish - A form of sea life (type unknown) which makes a sound very similar to a propeller turning at 130 rpm. We were so caught up in tourist stuff that no one got in trouble. Bag - (1) Get, or collect. Jackass A conical bag stuffed into the hawsepipes to stop the entry of seawater. Dive the intakes - Cleaning engine air intakes, usually by crawling into them. Jostens makes it easy to mark this moment with beautiful, high-quality graduation announcements you can send to family and friends. Gouge (the) (1) Information, or the 'inside scoop'. New Marines with Kilo Company, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, stand in formation during liberty call at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Jan. 16, 2020. Home. "I think I'll have a gonk before we hit the beach.". Basically, yelling and screaming. Surface ships only. Bravo Zulu - Phonetic pronunciation of 'BZ' from the NATO signals codes. A sealed mask with an airhose and a quick disconnect to attach to the main EAB system. We want to do business with people and organizations with ground-breaking ideas, pioneering scientific research, novel technology . If your gig line isnt straight, you hear about it at personnel inspections. Grand Slam Radio call for the successful SPLASH (destruction) of an air contact. The Attachment rails, officially known as the rail integration A few thousand years ago, our ancestors wore Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! Airy-fairy (1) (RN) Fleet Air Arm personnel. Make a play for the deck - A maneuver guaranteed to attract the ire of the LSO and the BOSS, where the pilot tries to salvage a non-excellent approach with a dive for the deck and the arresting wires. See PORKCHOP. Bullnose - A chock placed right over the stem, 'in the eyes' of the ship. --Terms in ALL-CAPS have a separate listing. Four day weekends are 96 hours, the sailor must have special permission to take all four days depending on their command and duty rotation. H and I - A military mission emphasizing Harassment and Interdiction of enemy forces and supply routes. 0.7 Elder falwell The Rev. RN form is Action Stations. Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs): A BAA announces an agency's research interests including criteria for selecting proposals and soliciting the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying the government's needs. Based on the recommendation from the V-22 Joint Program Office, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command and U.S. Navy issued a time limit, via fleet bulletin, on the V-22 . (2) Shoulder boards (rank markings). Always keep Navy Operations Security in mind. There are tell-tale signs more obvious that others. The balls were stacked in a monkey, a metal frame which was laid on the deck to help contain the bottom layer of the pyramid of cannon balls. May also be used to lock the shaft. May be operated by a civilian contractor or by ships personnel. Also used as a phrase in flag or Morse comms. A Marine Expeditionary Unit is how the Marine Corps and the Navy can liberate any country in the world at a moments notice. Bingo - (1) Fuel level or status requiring either an immediate return to base or vector to a tanker, 'bingo fuel'. Beach Ashore, or to be put ashore. Every ocean on the planet has a fleet of angry, bored Marines and sailors. The Vines Center erupted in applause Nov. 3 following an announcement from Liberty University President Dr. Jerry Prevo: "We are in the . Article 1282 of Navy Regulations directs that all persons on deck aboard ships passing the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, between sunrise and sunset be called to attention, and that those not in formation render the hand salute as the ship passes the memorial, which symbolizes the losses suffered in the surprise Japanese attack on In the 18th century, the British navy denied its sailors meat on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; these days were known as banian (or Banyan) days. The term has now come to mean just the opposite. With the straight-deck carriers, an aircraft either trapped successfully or engaged the barricade. Lagging Fiberglass insulation material commonly attached to bulkheads, ducts, and piping. (Effective October 3, 2022 10:00 a.m. local Eastern Time until September 29, 2023 4:00 p.m. local Eastern time.) Mind Your Ps and Qs In the past, when sailors were paid and went ashore for liberty, the tavern keepers knew how much they were paid. King Neptune - The mythological God of the Sea. The most popular version of the terms origin is that Charlie Noble was an Admiral who insisted that the (brass or copper) galley smokestack be polished for inspections. An obsolete term; replaced with TAU (q.v.). Derisively, 'I Follow Roads'. (2) (RCN) A sailor often in trouble. The etiquette of the wardroom, which is usually fairly formal, is also relaxed in the dirty shirt wardroom. Term used by short-timers, attitude cases, and sailors having a bad day. LIBERTY CALL FOR DUTY SECTIONS #, #, AND # TO EXPIRE ON BOARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLAN OF THE . Usually a combination of leftovers, plus something new to round out the service. Brown Water - Shallow water or shallow draft, especially a ship or navy whose ships are not suited to deep (or open) water and deep-water combat. The recruit graduation ceremony, also known as Pass-In-Review, is a formal military ceremony which honors your recruit's hard work and dedication to a new way of life, and ties together the future of the Navy with our long-held Naval traditions and customs. without afterburner. See BOOMER. Primary mission is nuclear deterrence. Represented as two heraldic dolphins flanking the prow of a WW II-type submarine, gold for officers and silver for enlisted. (2) Any jet aircraft, for their tendency to suck objects and debris up off the ground, but especially a jet aircraft with a chin or beard intake, such as the A-7 Corsair II or F-8 Crusader. There are several types: TARCAP (TARget CAP), BARCAP (BARrier CAP), RESCAP (REScue CAP, i.e. ) Missiles, especially in the aircraft entering a spin or right )... For its complete lack of coordination or military smartness on board in ACCORDANCE with PLAN... Slam radio call to stop the entry of seawater good character, they will be promoted waves... 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