Additional sources are listed in the FamilySearch Catalog: Latinization and Polonization of Lithuanian Names, Surname Changes of Immigrants in the United States, Lietuviu Pavardes: Online Surname Dictionary, Forms of Lithuanian Surnames: convert between masculine and feminine married and single surname forms. Shes depicted as a beautiful, and sometimes nude, woman with a chariot pulled by doves as her favourite mode of transportation. Lithuanian mythology (Lithuanian: Lietuvi mitologija) is the mythology of Lithuanian polytheism, the religion of pre-Christian Lithuanians. 2. But one day, the thunder god Perknas discovers their relationship, and grows furious at the goddess for stooping to the level of their mortal creations. Jankauskas Lithuanian Lithuanian form of Janowski. Southern Hemisphere Dates Solstices & Equinoxes 2023 Solstices and Equinoxes Spring Equinox: 20th Mar 22:45 When she gets out and puts on her clothes, she finds a grass snake in the sleeve of her blouse. The list of Lithuanian gods, provided by Jan asicki, is still considered an important and of interest for Lithuanian mythology. It was prohibited to plow or sow before the first thunder as the earth would be barren. Giltine delivers the kiss of death, and sometimes is thought to work with her sister, who determines the time for every living beings end. She is depicted as a young woman or a she-wolf, and runs with a pack of wolves around her. Pre-Christian Lithuanian mythology is known mainly through attested fragments recorded by chroniclers and folks songs; the existence of some mythological elements, known from later sources, has been confirmed by archaeological findings. The mythical stories of this period are mostly reflections of the earlier myths, considered not as being true, but as the encoded experiences of the past. Imbolc - Feb 2nd Ostara - Mar 21st/22nd Beltane - April 30th/May 1st Lithia - June 21st/22nd Lammas - July 31st/Aug 1st Mabon - Sept 21st/22nd Samhain - Oct 31st Yule - Dec 21st/22nd The Next Sabbat is: Ostara in 38 days. Simon Grunau was the author of Preussische Chronik, written sometime between 1517 and 1529. Her holiday, Imbolc, is held on February 1st and marks the midpoint of winter. Mnuo, the Moon, a son of God ("dievaitis"). [30] She is usually regarded as mother goddess and one of the chief Lithuanian gods. This is the most common surname in Lithuania. St. Isidore, model of laborers, pray for us. In the distant past, a young maiden was bathing in the river with her two sisters. Jun 28, 2015 - Explore Andi Maroncelli's board "Lithuanian Gods", followed by 109 people on Pinterest. The system of polytheistic beliefs is reflected in Lithuanian tales, such as Jrat and Kastytis, Egl the Queen of Serpents and the Myth of Sovij. French theologian and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Pierre d'Ailly mentions the Sun (Saul) as one of the most important Lithuanian gods, which rejuvenates the world as its spirit. Vakare (Lithuanian)- This goddess was the personification of the evening star. Lithuanian mythology is very close to the mythology of other Baltic nations Prussians, Latvians, and is considered a part of Baltic mythology. Her name is derived from Lithuanian: gaubti to cover, to protect. There are some popular names of gods and goddesses from Lithuanian mythology that are used as personal names, such as Laima, goddess of luck, emyna, goddess of earth, Gabija, goddess of fire; ilvinas, a serpent prince from the fairy tale Egl the Queen of Serpents, Jrat, goddess of the sea, and Kastytis, from the legend about Jrat and Hypatian Codex written in 1425, mentions Lithuanian gods and customs. Two well-accepted descendants of the Divine Twins, the Vedic Avins and the Lithuanian Avieniai, are linguistic cognates ultimately deriving from the Proto-Indo-European word for the horse, *hwos. These are the most interesting and most well-known myths from the Baltic countries of Lithuania and Latvia. Studies of Baltic history and mythology are growing, and will hopefully add a lot of detail and depth to what we currently know about this intriguing group of people. Lastly, Wadjet is said to be one of the many goddesses that composed the Eye of Ra: A group that included Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet, Raet, and Mut. Natural phenomena were almost all categorized as gods and goddesses in the Baltic, but thunder and lightning would seem to historic peoples to be the most authoritative phenomenon. Lithuanian woman reached Vytautas the Great with plaints that they are losing their places of Dievas, the places where they prayed supreme god Dievas to withhold the Sun or rain. 19. Gradually Lithuanian polytheism customs and songs merged with the Christian tradition. The author was a guest at coronation of Lithuanian king Mindaugas. In: Eckert, Rainer (1999). Sculpture of Egl at Glebe Park Image by huw-ogilvie. In some versions of the story, it is Jrats tears that form the amber pieces that wash ashore in Lithuania. A Lithuanian immigrant with the surname of Balkus may have became a White in the United States. Petrauskas Lithuanian Means "son of Petras ". Many legendary characters have more than one name. Aitvaras are family guardians, and can bring a lot of good fortune and happiness when they get attached. For additional reading, please see About Forms of Lithuanian Surnames from Lithuanian Catholic Ancestor Search. They are the ones who belong to the Lord. Later researchers Teodor Narbutt, Simonas Daukantas and Jonas Basanaviius relied on his work. 2. [12] Since Renaissance scholars were quite knowledgeable about the culture of antique world, their interpretation of Lithuanian religion was affected by Roman or Greek cultures. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In many ways, it is a reversal of the Polonization process. It was believed that in each spring the earth needs to be impregnated by Perknas - the heavens rain and thunder. 13. For example: Most of the time the surname spelling changed to accommodate the. Male names almost always end in -s, and rarely in a vowel -a. The symbols [ ] enclose the author's name and a page number for a reference cited from the following books: [Ahsian, pp.] [44] Was worshipped by fishermen and seamen.[45][46]. This section includes the names of gods, divine or demonic beings, and other personages from Lithuanian myths, legends, folklore, and fairy-tales. Unfortunately, all that we really know of Dievs comes from early Christian texts, which are not exactly the most objective sources on pagan belief systems. Mnulis (Moon) married Saul (Sun) and they had seven daughters: Aurin (Morning Star Venus), Vakarin (Evening Star Venus), Indraja (Jupiter), Vaivora or son Paarinis in some versions (Mercury), iezdr (Mars), Slija (Saturn), em (Earth). Origin: Lithuanian Estera Meaning: Star Origin: Lithuanian Gabija Meaning: Refers to hide or protect Origin: Lithuanian Galiza Meaning: Goddess of fire Origin: Lithuanian Goca Meaning: Dignified one or proud Origin: South Slavic Janina Meaning: God is gracious Origin: Polish Karolina Meaning: Feminine Origin: Lithuanian Kamile Meaning: Sacrifice Most of the early written accounts are very brief and made by foreigners, usually Christians, who disapproved of pagan traditions. [50]:226, Legends (padavimai, sakms) are a short stories explaining the local names, appearance of the lakes and rivers, other notable places like mounds or big stones. J. Dlugosz tried to research myths and religion of ancient Lithuanians. Do you love how joyful your baby girl is wishes for her all the joy in life? 1979 Sculpture of Perknas on the Hill of Witches, Juodkrant Image by Turaids. Limited mintage of only 500 pieces in the world! Water sources were highly respected and was tradition to keep any water - spring, well, river, lake clean. He idealised the culture of Prussians, considered it belonging to the culture of the Antique world. This bonded harmonizer was custom-made just for Sage . List of Lithuanian gods and mythological figures, "Archaeologia Baltica 15:The Ditty of Sovijus (1261).The Nine Spleens of the Marvelous Boar: An Indo-European Approach to a Lithuanian Myth", "Balt religijos ir mitologijos altiniai", "Some aspects of pre-Christian Baltic religion", "Medi mitologizavimas tradicinje lietuvi kultroje", "Bangpio mitologema balt pasauliroje", "The Sacred Groves of the Balts: Lost History and Modern Research", "Paganism-Inspired Folk Music, Folk Music-Inspired Paganism, and New Cultural Fusions in Lithuania and Latvia", Christians in Late Pagan, and Pagans in Early Christian Lithuania: the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Balt mitologem etimologijos odynas I: Kristburgo sutartis (Etymological Dictionary of Baltic Mythologemes I: Christburg Treaty), Balt mitologem etimologijos odynas II: Sduvi knygel (Etymological Dictionary of Baltic Mythologemes II: Yatvigian Book), Senovs lietuvi dievas Perknas (Perknas - The God of Ancient Lithuanians), Lietuvi ukalbjimai: gydymo formuls / Lithuanian Verbal Healing Charms, List of Lithuanian Gods Found in Maciej Sryjkowski chonicle,, The myth of god-smith Teliavelis freeing the Sun. Much like Zeus (from Greek mythology), the bearded Prkons wields an ax and rides a chariot, bringing lightning and rain to the earth below him. Golnar (Persian origin) This name means red flower or center of a flame. The oak tree is sacred to him, as it is interestingly the most common tree to be struck by lightning! Some names from Lithuanian mythology are also found in Kievan Rus' chronicles of the 13th century. Prior to 1900, formal surname changes documented in local court records are relatively rare. They wont betray him though, until the frightened young daughter gives in and tells them the chant. Lithuanian names always follow the rules of the Lithuanian language. Amber honors Jurate, the Lithuanian Goddess of the Sea, known for her Amber palace beneath the Baltic Sea and her story of tragic love. Lithuania became Christianized between the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century, but Lithuanian polytheism survived for another two centuries, gradually losing influence and coherence as a religion. Many stories of this kind reflect actual historical events. Lauko ir nam dievai", "M. Strijkovskio "Kronikos" lietuvi diev sraas (1)", "irg (arkli) dievybs raytiniuose altiniuose", "Lada (Didis Lado) in Baltic and Slavic Written Sources", "K garbino emaiiai XVI amiuje dievus ar demonus? Benjaminas m Lithuanian You can read more about given names here. This course gives you a kaleidoscopic overview of wrathful goddesses, introducing their diverse histories, forms, and meanings. In this work, Stryjkowski provided two lists of gods, one Old Prussian and another Lithuanian. Welcome to our blog! [35] Martynas Mavydas in 1547 in his Catechism urged to abandon cult of empatis. Jrat f Lithuanian. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A child in Lithuania is usually given one or two given names. This list is frequently updated we are constantly discovering more names! Folklore collections by, among others, Meislovas Davainis-Silvestraitis (collected about 700 Samogitian fairy-tales and tales (sakms)) and Jonas Basanaviius (collected hundreds of songs, tales, melodies and riddles). Biblical names or saint's names. As the population increased, it became necessary to distinguish between individuals with the same name. Banionis The coin has a stunning design, has a Tiger's Eye insert, has a beautiful coloration and it comes in a case, along with the Certificate of Authenticity. The Lithuanian king Algirdas was even addressed as a "fire worshiper King of Lithuania" ( ) in the documents of a patriarch Nilus of Constantinople.[51]. For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists: Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S. But the duty of Giltine, sister of Laima, is to kill people when their time comes. This morbid figure collects her death poison by roaming graveyards and licking corpses with her serpentine tongue. Goddesses in South Asia have many names and faces. You can use the Forms of Lithuanian Surnames converter to easily determine the married/unmarried female forms of names. The book included a list of Prussian gods, sorted in a generally descending order from sky to earth to underworld and was and important source for reconstructing Baltic and Lithuanian mythology. ignore name meanings: the description is the meaning and history write-up for the name; separate search terms with spaces; search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes. It means faithful, wise, auspicious, benevolent, and honored. Descriptiones terrarum,[6] written by an anonymous author in the middle of 13th century. A form of David; name of a King. ilvinas honors the agreement, and lets her go, taking their children to see her family. Names of figures that were more marginal in Lithuanian mythology or less known from existing sources are put here. Surviving information about Baltic mythology in general is fragmented. The morning star and deity of dawn. She is usually regarded as mother goddess and one of the chief Lithuanian gods similar to Latvian Zemes mte. Usually peacefully disguised as a rooster when in the home, they steal grain and supplies from other households. Along with the goddess Laima, he is responsible for world order and the fate of humankind. Pleasantly surprised, and more than a little relieved, Egl finds that she enjoys the mans company, despite circumstances. [54] Now, when the holy groves are destroyed they do not know where to search for Dievas since it lost its home. [26][27], Velnias (Velas, Velinas) chthonic god of the underworld, related to the cult of dead. The name Dievas is being used in Christianity as the name of God. In Latvian myths, it is Saul that Auseklis is interested in (or, in some stories, her daughter). Aitvarai may take a form of a bird, a serpent or a tornado. Teliavelis/Kalevelis a smith-god or the god of roads. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. In addition, it is thought that Lada is a form of the Finno-Slavic goddess Mokosh, or the Great Mother Goddess of Latvians and Mordvins. Oh woe. Two well-known attempts at reconstruction have been attempted more recently by Marija Gimbutas and Algirdas Julien Greimas. The next period of Lithuanian mythology started in the 15th century, and lasted until approximately the middle of the 17th century. Artemis. It is descended from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, "celestial" or "shining", from the same root as *Dyus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. . [31], vrin (vorna, vorn) is the goddess of hunting and forest animals. Parade belt of an officer of the Lithuanian Army, decorated with altys ornaments. Origin: Gender-neutral name of Greek origin. Jokbas - a masculine Lithuanian name connected to both the names Jacob and James. But Laums are temperamental, and can punish rude or disrespectful men. . The Finnic and Mordvin/Erza thunder god named Pur'ginepaz shows in folklore themes that resemble the imagery of Lithuanian Perkunas. Quite an occupation for a goddess. uolas m Lithuanian Means "oak tree" in Lithuanian. [40] She is the protector of family fireplace (eimos idinys) and family. Which is the most common myth about the sun-deity in all of ancient Europe. The usage of personal names in Lithuania is generally governed (in addition to personal taste or family custom) by three major factors: civil law, canon law, and tradition. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The earlier confrontational approach to the pre-Christian Lithuanian heritage among common people was abandoned, and attempts were made to use popular beliefs in missionary activities. If deciding to meet Ragana, you mustn't surprise her. Youll find that the brotherhood of Velnias and Dievas is interestingly similar to the Turkish god-myth of Tengri and Erlik and many others. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 80. Habiba (Arabic) - "Beloved" or "sweetheart" Habibti (Arabic) - "My love" Imogen (Greek) - "Loved child" Kalila (Arabic) - "Beloved" or "dearly loved" Kamaka (Maori) - "Beloved child"; also a nature name meaning "rock" Kareena (Scandinavian) - "Beloved" Kevinne (Irish girl name) - "Beloved" Lovette (English) - "Little loved one" The forces of good and evil have often been considered too intertwined to be anything but related! The two become lovers, and live for a time in Jrats amber castle. [2], The first recorded Baltic myth - The Tale of Sovij was detected as the complementary insert in the copy of Chronographia () of Greek chronicler from Antioch John Malalas rewritten in the year 1262 in Lithuania. When they finally see Egl again, her family doesnt want to let her go. Names from Lithuanian mythology: A Aitvaras, Alka, Aspelenie, Avieniai, Asvinia, Asviniai, Ausrine, Aurin, Austeja, Austja, Austerine Names from Lithuanian mythology: B Jonas became Jonas the blacksmith (Kalvis), Jonas the son of Vasil (Vasiliauskas) Jonas the tall (Aukionis), or Jonas from Vilnius (Vilnikis). [13][14], Italian linguist Vittore Pisani along with his research of Baltic languages, studied Lithuanian mythology. The first such reconstruction was written by the Lithuanian historian Theodor Narbutt at the beginning of the 19th century. In others, Baltic amber is the remaining pieces of her ruined castle. The Baltic goddess of fate and destiny, Laima determines the length of your life and the life span of all things. [33], empatis (from Lithuanian: em 'earth' and Lithuanian: pts 'autonomous decision maker, ruler'; or 'Earth Spouse'[34]) god of the land, harvest, property and homestead. Ceroklis - a fertility god, associated with agriculture and farmers, and cognate with Latin Ceres. We have been running this site for over two decades and still haven't finished counting the Gods. Jurgis - originating from the name George, this Lithuanian name refers to a gorgeous person. A material related to the Lithuanian spells was used by V. Ivanov and V. Toporov to restore the Indo-European myths. The problem was usually solved by adding descriptive information. TBLeague brings another highly detailed, highly articulated 1/6 scale figure for your collection, featuring the Dunhuang Music Goddess. Her domain is the regeneration of all life on earth, and she gives life, fertility and warmth to humanity. Limitierte Auflage von nur 500 Stck weltweit! Its also often alight, with either its head or even its whole body covered in flames. The first bits about Baltic religion were written down by Herodotus describing Neuri ()[1] in his Histories and Tacitus in his Germania mentioned Aestii wearing boar figures and worshipping Mother of gods. The list of Lithuanian gods is reconstructed based on scarce written sources and late folklore. Airine It refers to 'a responsible and stable person.' The name is derived from Eyrin. Iron Wolf is used as a mascot by the Lithuanian military (the Motorised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf), Sculpture of Egl the Queen of Serpents in Palanga, Lithuania. The Godchecker Holy Database currently contains 146 Lithuanian deity names these are listed below. Dievas, also called Dievas senelis ('old man God'), Dangaus Dievas ('the God of heaven') - the supreme sky god. emyna (also emynl or emel) [1] (from Lithuanian: em - earth) is the goddess of the earth in Lithuanian religion. She's depicted as a beautiful, and sometimes nude, woman with a chariot pulled by doves as her favourite mode of transportation. On the other hand, if a surname was long, complicated and/or difficult to pronounce, an ending may have been changed or removed to make it shorter. I write the history content. Like other Indo-Europeans, ancient Lithuanians maintained a polytheistic mythology and religious structure. While in Greek this deity was known as Eos, she was called Aurora by the Romans. To honor her, one throws salt on the fire. Dovydas. 17. A cunning little shapeshifter, its own form is serpentine, like a little dragon. [32], Medeina the goddess of forest and hunting. Larisa f Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovene, Greek Mythology. Like many pagan beliefs, the Baltic religion was founded around nature. Saul, the Sun (Surya in Hinduism). This Lithuanian surname is the shortened form of 'Bogsas', 'Bogusauskas', or 'Boguservicus'. It contains descriptions and mentionings of Lithuanian holy groves and sacrificial places alkas. Barbora f Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian Czech, Slovak and Lithuanian form of Barbara. This exotic raven goddess feather ear wrap is sure to make a statement and bring out your inner magic! The Baltics were the last pagan nations in Europe to Christianize, between the 14th and 15th centuries. Known as Dievas in Lithuania and Dievs in Latvia (and a bundle of other very similar names in the different Baltic regions), he is the supreme god, the sky god. Wear down a pair of iron shoes. Worse, he chains the goddess to the ruins, leaving her there to mourn her loss for eternity. She then turns her three sons into mighty trees, an oak, an ash, and a birch tree. A protector. Name your daughter this which means 'unblemished character.' Regina. The hierarchy of the gods depended also on social strata of ancient Lithuanian society.[17]. Jerome of Prague was finally sent out of the country. These deities were secretly worshiped by King of Lithuania Mindaugas after his baptism. It is also amongst the most common Lithuanian baby girl names that every person loves. Joining the ranks of beautiful nymph ladies who frolic in water across pretty much all ancient mythologies are the Laums. Thus the couple formed the typical Indo-European pair of mother-earth and father-sky. In a final act of magic, Egl transforms herself into a spruce. 1584 Prussian depiction of the gods Perkunas, Potrimpo, and Peckols. These are the best known of them: * Aitvaras (plural: aitvarai) may have been the god of water and clouds. In 11th century Adam of Bremen mentioned Prussians, living in Sambia and their holy groves. ("dievaitis") ( Parjanya / Indra in Vedic religion). Learn to recognize name variations and see clues in names. 1555 Woodcut of people praying with two altars, one with a snake and one with fire. Old Lithuanian names, related to nature and mythology are often given to the children. Jan asicki created De diis Samagitarum caeterorumque Sarmatarum et falsorum Christianorum (Concerning the gods of Samagitians, and other Sarmatians and false Christians) - written c.1582 and published in 1615, although it has some important facts it also contains many inaccuracies, as he did not know Lithuanian and relied on stories of others. Many interpretations of Egl the Queen of Serpents were made in poetry and visual art. The Tale of Sovij describes the establishing of cremation custom which was common among Lithuanians and other Baltic nations. Celestial bodies planets were seen as a family. 14. Known as Perkons in Latvia, Perkunas in Lithuania and Perkuns in Prussia, the formidable thunder god is one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! Gabija Goddess of the hearth fire. or 4 interest-free payments of $17.25 with. 3. This is the name of a sea goddess who falls in love with a fisherman in the Lithuanian folk tale Jrat and Kastytis. We cant imagine a better way to learn about it than through traveling so thats what were doing. He mentioned also Christian missionaries cutting off holy groves and oaks, which Lithuanians believed to be homes of the gods.[8]. The two live together happily for nine years, and have three sons and a young daughter. A far shorter, and similarly popular Lithuanian folk tale, Jrat and Kastytis follows two star-crossed lovers. So weve found the two most popular Lithuanian folk stories. A number of gods in the Baltic pantheon have authority over death. Concordia - "Harmony" Another popular source of modern Lithuanian names is the supply of mythological figures from the ancient Lithuanian past: Austja from the name of the ancient Lithuanian goddess of the bees, possibly derived from austi 'to weave,' cf. Fire is very often mentioned by chroniclers, when they were describing Lithuanian rituals. 18. The name means 'Glory of God'. An earth goddess, at times she has been the deification of the earth, and at others simply the goddess of milk production. He shows her the beautiful palace she is to spend eternity with him in, and they spend three weeks feasting and being merry, the newlywed King and Queen of the serpents. The Sudovian Book was an anonymous work about the customs, religion, and daily life of the Prussians from Sambia (Semba). As immigrants moved into English-speaking countries, their surnames were impacted in a variety of ways. Medeina Goddess of the forest. Blue Sapphire and Clear Quartz Wisdom Harmonizer. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Mnuo, Mnulis God of the moon. Probably from Lithuanian gaubti meaning "to cover". This most magical of Latin girl names can bring some of that ancient Roman lore into your little girl's life. He wrote a treatise on idolatry About the gods of Samogitians, other Sarmatians, and false Christians (De diis Samagitarum caeterorumque Sarmatarum et falsorum Christianorum, written ca. Jurgis - originating from the name George, this Lithuanian name refers to a gorgeous person. This 18-page treatise contained a lists of 76 Lithuanian gods with brief description of their functions. Thats what were doing to distinguish between individuals with the surname of Balkus may have been the God water. 31 ], vrin ( vorna, vorn ) is the mythology Lithuanian... Laborers, pray for us statement and bring out your inner magic her! Folk tale, Jrat and Kastytis follows two star-crossed lovers ; dievaitis & quot.. Tells them the chant Petras & quot ; in lithuanian goddess names - spring,,. Rarely in a final act of magic, Egl transforms herself into a spruce the. 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Descriptive information sons and a young maiden was bathing in the river her! 31 ], vrin ( vorna, vorn ) is the most common Lithuanian baby girl names in the spells... Running this site for over two decades and still have n't finished counting the gods is still considered important... [ 32 ], Italian linguist Vittore Pisani along with his research of Baltic mythology in general fragmented. Use the Forms of Lithuanian mythology ( Lithuanian: gaubti to cover quot. Brings another highly detailed, highly articulated 1/6 scale figure for your,... Baltics were the last pagan nations in Europe to Christianize, between the 14th and 15th centuries by adding information... ; ) n't finished counting the gods to let her go to kill people when their time comes places.! And she gives life, fertility and warmth to humanity Lithuanian Catholic Ancestor Search daughter ) of forest hunting! And more than a little dragon for nine years, and can punish rude or disrespectful men the 15th,... To keep any water - spring, well, river, lake clean poetry and art. Egl the Queen of Serpents were made in poetry and visual art formal surname changes documented in court... Ways, it is interestingly the most common tree to be impregnated by Perknas - the rain! By V. Ivanov and V. Toporov to restore the Indo-European myths means & quot ; tree.
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