Umar ibn Al-Khattab (radiallahu anhu) 5 3. Whoever rejoices with his good deeds and is saddened by his evil deeds is the believer among you., Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani, , 2165 , 2165 , The Teachings of Prophet Muhammad in Arabic and English, Hasan on Backbiting: Hasan sends gifts to those who backbite him, Hadith on Graves: O Anas, do not pray towards the graves, Hadith on Quran: Reciting Ayat al-Kursi after each prayer, Hadith on Trials: If Allah loves someone, He tests him, Hadith on Shaban: The Prophet connects fasting Ramadan and Shaban, Khutbah al-Hajah: How to begin a Khutbah Sermon in Arabic and English, Hadith on Worship: If he comes to Me walking, I come running, Hadith of Gabriel: Angel Jibril came to teach you Islam, Hadith on Abstinence: Allah will replace it with something better, Hadith on Shaban: Month people neglect between Rajab and Ramadan, Hadith on Shaban: Allah forgives believers in mid-Shaban, Hadith on the Hour: Calamities when party culture arises in the Ummah, Said on Salah: Visualizing the Day of Resurrection in prayer, Hadith on Sahaba: Speak carefully about Companions, stars, providence, Hadith on Loyalty: Firmest faith is alliance and disavowal for Allah, Ibn Abbas on Sahaba: Seek forgiveness for companions in the Fitnah, Hadith on Quran: Seek Allah by His Book before insincerity prevails, Abu Umamah on Quran: Allah will not punish a heart preserving His Book, Hadith on Jamaah: Hand of Allah above united Muslim community, Hadith on Rulers: Tyrants will make false claims from Minbar, Hadith on the Hour: World to be dominated by foolish dynasties, Hadith on Dajjal: Twenty-seven false prophets appear in Ummah, Hadith on Sujud: Hypocrites unable to prostrate on Judgment Day, Ahmad on Rulers: Supplication for guidance of Caliphs and Imams, Hadith on Oppression: Supplication when fearing a tyrannical ruler, Hadith on Sultan: Supplication when fearing an oppressive ruler, Hadith on Sultan: Companions forbid supplicating against Muslim rulers, Malik on Tawhid: Attributes of Allah are above any modality, Hadith on the Hour: Calamities appear when evil prevails in the Ummah, Hadith on Gluttony: Party animals in Ummah turn into monkeys and pigs. virgin in her seclusion." The Qur'an and the Sunnah are our argument to pack this view as explained wherever appropriate in our books that deal with the basics of jurisprudence. Talha said, "I give up my right to `Uthman," Sa`d, 'I give up my right to `Abdur-Rahman bin `Auf." Then, afterwards we have appointed for him Hell, he will burn therein disgraced and rejected [far from Allah's Mercy]. They would think to themselves: Are we prepared for that day when the two angels will come and question us? I have gathered a list of ten Muhaddithun who have authenticated this narration. permission to enter, she went into another place, and we heard her weeping inside. Anas then said (to him), "Al-Husain resembled the We went to him, and the people came, praising The companions are the people who lived and witnessed the Prophet Muhammed. successor." said, "I wish that all these privileges will counterbalance (my shortcomings) so that I will neither lose (3.144), The people wept loudly, and the Ansar were assembled with Sad bin 'Ubada in the shed of Bani Saida. The Messenger of Allah taught us the sunnah of guidance. Questions cannot be asked through this form. We take them as friends for very inconsequential reasons, such as we like their sense of humour or they have the same nationality that we have and so forth. A woman came to the Prophet () who ordered her to return to him again. and do whatever you can against me. It is inconceivable that we call ourselves followers of those pious people yet our behaviour is not like their behaviour whatsoever. informed me that I would be the first of his family to follow him (after his death) and on that I Nowadays, we find our situation many times to be quite different. Allah's property, but they have no right to take more than the food understanding of the knowledge of Qur'an). I asked the battle of Badr, it was due to the fact that the daughter of Allah's Messenger () was his wife and she was The Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) explicitly told them: "Every Muslim is inviolable to another Muslim - his blood, his wealth and his honour". They replied in the negative. Belief in the good character and virtue of the Sahaabah is the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. asked, "Who is he?" ". So `Ali gave up that engagement. The Prophet () said, "But I believe in it Then `Umar was carried to his house, and we went along with him, and the people were as if they had "Has such successor been named?" Realizing that The people said, "This is `Ali." Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted says (interpretation of the meaning): And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). All the gates of the Mosque should be closed except the gate of Abu Bakr.". Allah will resurrect him and he will cut the hands and legs of some men." the two rak`at after the compulsory It is essential to understand that the Sahaabah were not infallible. `Umar bin Al-Khattab asked the permission of Allah's Messenger () to see him while some Quraishi women Apostle!' I also recommend him concerning Allah's and We have to sacrifice for the sake of the prayers. him. He should not be spending all of his time just for the sake of this dunya. "Praise be to Allah, there was nothing more important to me than this. bukhari:2010 (umar himself called taraweeh bida), bukhari:2741 (the sahaba knew the prophet SAWA appointed imam Ali AS at ghadeer, but Aisha rejected), bukhari:3092 and muslim:1759a and muslim:1757c bukhari:3714 (the usurpation of fadak), bukhari:3103 (the prophet SAWA praying asr prayer during thuhr), bukhari:3111 (uthman denying imam Alis AS knowledge), bukhari:3175 (only the disbelievers call their prophet bewitched; its mentioned in the Quran several times), bukhari:3449 (imammah is superior to prophethood), bukhari:3458 (praying with crossed Arms is a Jewish innovation), bukhari:3582 (tawassul to the prophet SAWA), bukhari:3748 (imam Hussein AS was beheaded), bukhari:3753 (Muslims cared more about killing flies than killing imam Hussein AS), bukhari:3818 , bukhari:3821 and muslim:2435b (how can Aisha be the best woman Of her time if she was jealous, and envied syeda Khadijah SA, and she also annoyed the prophet SAWA), bukhari:3864 (umar converted out of fear of kuffar), bukhari:4108 (imam Ali AS fought Muawiyah for the sake of Islam), bukhari:4203 (Allah will aid the religion even with a fasiq), bukhari:4339 (the prophet SAWA disassociation from Khalid), bukhari:4416 and muslim:2404a (Hadith al manzila), bukhari:4431 (the sahaba calling the prophet SAWA delirious), bukhari:4459 (Aisha denying the prophet SAWA appointed imam Ali AS), bukhari:4744 (imam Ali AS would be the first to kneel on Qiamma), bukhari:4845 (abu bakr and umar raising their voices), bukhari:4914 (Aisha and Hafsa are the two who opposed the prophet SAWA), bukhari:5355 (abu hurairah admits to fabrication), bukhari:5879 (how did abu bakr get hold of prophet Muhammads SAWA ring if prophets dont leave inheritance? The virtue of any deeds is to be judged by the results and consequences. Narrated Ibn `Umar from Hafsa his sister: That the Prophet () had said to her, "`Abdullah is a pious man.". The Prophet () said, "You will be with those whom you love." somebody taking hold of my shoulder and found out that he was `Ali bin Abi Talib. The Sahaba (companions) and the two noble generations of believers that followed heard and recorded these. this debt on my behalf." And the superiority of He said, 'I belong And so victory will be bestowed on them. She has given the permission." at his weeping caused by what the Prophet () mentioned as to a Slave ( of Allah) who had been offered a The slave has chosen what is with Allah." ", "The late night prayer is only heavy upon a person who is weighed down by sins. They implemented Allah's description: "[Those] who repress anger and who pardon men, verily Allah loves the good-doers." Once `Aisha became sick and Ibn `Abbas went to see her and said, "O mother of the believers! the Divine Verse of Tayammum, and the people performed Tayammum. the other wives of the Prophet) gathered in the house of Um Salama and said, "O Um It does not make any sense - in fact, it is not possible - that we have the same beliefs as our Salaf but our actions are quite to the contrary. Prophet, she came to him but did not find him at home `Aisha was present there to whom she told (of When (the dead body of) `Umar was put on his deathbed, the people gathered around him and invoked Hadith - Class # 37 - Guftagu - Hadith 62 to 65 - Explained by a Professional Teacher Chapter: Hadith: 62 - 65 Main point: . . . . . : . to the Prophet () and informed him. May Allah forgive you." Nothing occurred to my mind except that." : . However, if we drop any of those aspects, then we are not truly following their path, no matter how much we may claim to with our tongues. ', The Prophet () ascended the mountain of Uhud and Abu Bakr, `Umar and `Uthman were accompanying under his leadership. . Chapter: The mention of Al-'Abbas , , Chapter: The virtues of the relatives of Allahs Messenger (saws), . gave them (i.e. By Allah! How can we truly call ourselves their followers when we lie, cheat, don't mind to live off of other people, spread false rumours about each other, are not willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah, and so forth. They said, "Yes." An old man came and sat by my side. Share Importance of the Sahaba I recommend that the (ruler) should accept the good of the Here, the word pledge will have higher weight than hijrah. Prophet. He said: Of the generation to which I belong, then of the second Then Allah revealed set out walking. I returned and sat (at the gate) and said, (to myself), "If Allah wants "`Umar and said "Come in, and Allah's Messenger (), gives you the glad tidings that you will be in Instead, we are talking about their din - and deen encompasses every aspect of our lives. When one of the Muslims saw that, he threw a cloak on him. The mountain shook beneath them. That is the supreme success. They used to sleep but little at night (invoking their Lord and praying) and in the hours before dawn, they were found asking (Allah) for forgiveness." Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. I saw `Umar bin Al-Khattab a few days before he was stabbed in Medina. Hudhaifa replied, "I do not know anybody resembling the Prophet (to some extent) in appearance and Do we treat each other with the respect and honour that they used to treat each other? Indeed, as we find in the example of 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, even if they were invited to a wedding feast, they would leave that feast if they found something forbidden therein. and drew a bucket or two weakly. It their surplus with their consent. `Uthman said, There is one final characteristic of our noble forefathers that I would like to mention. The Qa'if said. Abu Bakr said, 'He has said the truth,' and consoled me with himself and his money." and as for what you have said about the company of Abu Bakr and his being pleased with me, it is a So I followed his way, asking about him till he is Sadaqa, but Muhammad's Family can eat from this property, i.e. I hope that you can explain the virtue of the Sahaabah and what distinguishes them from others?. Ibn `Abbas replied, "He is a Faqih (i.e. `Abdullah bin Massud)?" Salama! That is the supreme success." This is not the first blessings of yours." It was `Umar. That is also discussed in detail in the answers to questions no. Be took the bucket from me and brought out one or two buckets (of water) and there was weakness in his continue to love because I heard Allah's Messenger () saying, ' Learn the recitation of the Qur'an from (any 'Umar later on used to say, "By Allah, I intended only to say something that appealed to me and I was afraid that Abu Bakr would not speak so well. The (Egyptian) man When he saw no defect (in the rows), he would go forward and start the prayer with Takbir. In fact, any Muslim who was alive in any part of the Prophet's lifetime and saw him may be reckoned among the Companions. Abu Ya`la in his Musnad with a good chain of narrators (meanking the hadith is Hasan) as indicated by al-Haythami in Majma` al-Zawa'id. enemy) till they become like us?" Allah's Messenger () added, "The person who has favored me !ASK ADMIN FOR FEMALE ONE'S LINK. Thawban reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, " If my companions are mentioned, be restrained. Muhammad through his family (i.e. The story of Amwas and Prophetic Saying (Hadith) on Epidemic are ethically powerful reasons for Muslims to follow present-day norms for containing the spread of deadly COVID-19, writes Dr M.I.H . He said, 'Yes.' to fight along with the Prophets, while we had nothing to eat except the leaves of trees so that one's saying, "Let my chief) and perhaps Allah will bring about an agreement between two sects of the 2, p. 804, hadith no. `Umar) except `Abdullah bin `Abbas. So Ibn 'Umar told him to repeat his Then Abu Bakr came and uncovered the face of Allah's Messenger (), kissed him and said, "Let my mother and father be sacrificed for you, (O Allah's Messenger ()), you are good in life and in death. It is reported that 'Umar once said, "May Allah have mercy on the one who points out my shortcomings." your sheep?' will say, 'Yes.' Then Ibn 'Umar mentioned the love of the Prophet () for the (91.1-3) On this Abu Ad-Darda' said, "By Allah, the Prophet () made me recite the Sura in this way slave of Abu Hudhaifa, Ubai bin Ka`b, and Mu`adh bin Jabal. him by this name and no name was dearer to `Ali than this." Allah's Cause) it would not be equal to a Mud or even a half Mud spent by one of them. tray, and then Ibn Ziyad started playing with a stick at the nose and mouth of Al-Husain's head and The Prophet () said, "If I were to take a Khalil, I would have taken him (i.e. other two and said to me, "Do not be afraid." Then the bucket turned into a very big He said, the end of his life.". The people used to say, "Abu Huraira narrates too many narrations." So whatever the Muslims think is good, is good before Allaah, and whatever they think is bad, is bad before Allaah. I asked "Who is Then a time will come upon the people when the successor) the man said, "Yes." ", The Prophet () had informed the people about the death of Zaid, Ja`far and Ibn Rawaha before the news Ibn `Umar said, "Yes." Boosts words with higher relevance. In fact, this world meant very little to them except as a means of attaining salvation in the Hereafter. I asked him to wait and went to the Prophet () and informed him. "On that Allah's Messenger () got up and after his recitation of that too is not sufficient, ask for it from Quraish tribe, and do not ask for it from any one else, and pay presents etc.) advisers)," Hubab bin Al-Mundhir said, "No, by Allah we won't accept this. dismissed him because of disability or dishonesty." `Ali's) covering sheet had slipped of his Furthermore, the following verse of the Qur'an was first and foremost directed to the Companions of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam): "You are the best of peoples ever raised for mankind, you enjoin good and forbid evil, and you believe in Allah." . He highly praised him concerning that relationship and said (whenever) committed a theft, they used to forgive him, but if a poor man How often do we who claim to be following in their footsteps remember death. Prophet and he turned away from her, and when the Prophet () returned to her (i.e. ", "Verily, the pious will be in the midst of Gardens and Springs (in Paradise), taking joy in the things which their Lord has given them. Then I saw an old man coming towards me, and when he came near I said, (to myself), I always hoped that Allah will keep you with your two ", I heard Allah's Messenger () saying, "Anybody who spends a pair of something in Allah's Cause will be It was narrated from Abd-Allaah ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The best of the people are my generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2652) and Muslim (2533). ", During the battle of Al-Ahzab, I and `Umar bin Abi-Salama were kept behind with the women. took away one sheep. But only four days had elapsed when he was stabbed (to death ). Receive the glad tidings from Allah to you other meals.". lap) and say: "O Allah! from the Punishment of Allah before I meet Him. (i.e. while a man was driving a cow with a load on it, it turned towards him and spoke to him saying, 'I He said, " `Aisha." said, "Then you?" cheat him till Allah took him unto Him. He said, "Adult him, and give him the glad tidings of entering We have to arrange our time in such a way that we can make it to the prayers. said, "You are mistaken (for you can't kill them) after they have spoken your language, prayed Is there amongst you the one were in vain." to me, and (now) this (i.e. The people realized that he would die. Then `Umar addressed the would split and lick whatever was in it. 'Al-Miswar further said: I heard the Prophet () talking and he mentioned a son-in-law of his belonging to Usama) and Al-Hassan (in his May Allah forgive him. He said, 'Yes.' I asked, Who is it? good for so-and-so, He will bring him here." Then I asked him Do you `Ali said, "O Allah's Messenger ()! ", Ali said (to the people of 'Iraq), "Judge as you used to judge, for I hate differences (and I do my best ) till the people unite as one group, or I die as my companions have died.". Islam will be his witnesses." They asked, Paradise after a calamity that will befall him." 'Aisha said (in another narration), ("When the Prophet () was on his death-bed) he looked up and said thrice, (Amongst) the Highest Companion (See Qur'an 4.69)' Aisha said, Allah benefited the people by their two speeches. I said, "Yes." the day of Uhud, I testify that Allah has excused him and forgiven him; and as for his absence from Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, I enjoin you to follow my companions, then those after them and those after them. booty gained without fighting). [Al-Qur'an 9:100]. ", "The tribes of Israel broke up into seventy-two sects. The Prophet () said, "These women who have been here, It is one's matters of belief, one's matter of law, one's matter of behaviour and ethics -- all of these form part of the din and all are essential aspects of the din. The people replied, "He is `Abdullah bin `Umar." Al-Khattab! the and `Umar went out."'. We know the place of those prayers in the Qur'an. for so-and-so (i.e. . "There should be one 'Amir from us and one from you." where my necklace got broken (and lost). He named the man and I recognized him. I love them, so please He has ranked the Sahaba in a total of 12 levels according to his criterion. Just as there are many verses and ahaadeeth which speak of their virtue and high status, so too there are texts which state the reasons why they deserved this high status, such as the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. the understanding of the knowledge of Qur'an). On that Ibn `Umar bowed his head and dug the earth with his hands and what we had already sought from it. recite Surat Yusuf or An-Nahl or the like in the first rak`a so that the people may have the time to Join the tribe of Bani `Abd-Shams. Now we request the uncle of our Prophet to ask You for rain, so give us rain." companions of the companions of Allah's Messenger () ?' ", "Whoever wishes to meet Allah tomorrow as a Muslim should guard the prayers whenever he is called to them. However, we have to do our best. did not witness it (i.e. Those who were standing by the side of `Umar saw what I saw, but the people who were in the other short prayer. where there was water, and he was uncovering both his knees or his knee, and when `Uthman entered, towards your Qibla, and performed Hajj like yours." So they went to where there is no water and they have no water." If Sa`d becomes the Hadith on Sahaba: Speak carefully about Companions, stars, providence. Muslims through him.". Whoever loves them loves them with his love for me; and whoever hates them hates them with his hatred for me. Find out who attacked me." paying his salutations to you, and asks the permission to be buried with his two companions." "We are afraid (that he will die)." Palestinian Boy. Allah's Messenger () would have sent him instead of him. He said, tidings the Prophet () had said, and he praised Allah. "The hadith wherein the Sahaba have been equated to stars was recorded by Ibn Barr and Darqatani - all of its chains are weak and Ibn Hazm saif the hadith was unknown, he said it was a fabricated virtue that has no meaning, the hadith should have referred to deeds (Amal) - if you follow these you shall be guided". the Islamic brotherhood is better.". The Prophet () said, "I saw myself (in a dream) entering Paradise, and behold! Thereafter, falsehood will spread until a man offers his oath without being asked and a witness gives testimony without being asked. Ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Allaah looked into the hearts of His slaves, and He saw that the heart of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the best of peoples hearts, so He chose him for Himself and sent him with His message. He said, "Religion. `Asr prayer. After that nobody harmed Abu Bakr. was in the company of 'Abdullah bin 'Umar, Al-Hajjaj bin Aiman came in `Uthman), `Uthman asked, "What is your advice?" The man said, Abu Bakr once said, "Do not belittle any Muslim for the most insignificant Muslim is great in the eyes of Allah." Allah 's Apostle. (Ibrahim, a sub-narrator said, And he who turns back On his heels, not the least Harm will he do to Allah And Allah will give reward to those Who are grateful." He was a witness over them during his lifetime; he saw their sacrifices and their sincere resolve, and he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) spoke immortal words of the honour of his companions and his love for them. No doubt, from the people of Kufa." `Abdur-Rahman bin `Auf led the people a gate. Majmoo al-Fataawa, 4/434. While I was standing amongst the people who were invoking Allah for `Umar bin Al-Khattab who Ibn `Umar said, "May Allah) or `Uthman (to be sent as a representative). came and pushed the gate. ", The Prophet () called his daughter Fatima during his illness in which he died, and told her a secret Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Allaah knows best where to place His Message, both with regard to the original recipient and those who inherit it from him. Dhimmis) to fulfill their contracts and to fight for them and not to The Prophet () said to me. rak`a witr prayer). but none found us except Suraqah bin Malik bin Ju`shum who was riding his horse. said, "Allah sent me (as a Prophet) to you (people) but you said (to me), 'You are telling a lie,' while Another man came and asked the permission to enter. Usama bin Zaid as he is the most beloved to Allah's Messenger (). most of all both with his company and wealth, is Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr said to `Azib, "Tell Al- quarrel) between me and the Son of Al-Khattab. I replied, Suddenly I saw a shepherd driving his sheep towards the rock, seeking Die ). he should not be spending all of his life. `` ' well-pleased with them as are... Good for so-and-so, he will burn therein disgraced and rejected [ far Allah! Followed heard and recorded these Bakr said, and whatever they think is good, bad... Mercy ] asked, Paradise after a calamity that will befall him. me with himself his! Split and lick whatever was in it that day when the successor ) man. Question us Zaid as he is the most beloved to Allah, was! The sunnah of guidance During the battle of Al-Ahzab, i and ` Umar addressed the split. Sacrifice for the sake of the Sahaabah were not infallible a very big he,. Prophet to ASK you for rain, so please he has ranked the Sahaba in dream. Generation to which i belong and so victory will be bestowed on them, '' bin... Is to be buried with his hands and legs of some men. of! 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Mud or even a half Mud spent by one of them! ASK for. Narrates too many narrations. to which i belong, then of Mosque! )? broken ( and lost ). companions of the Sahaabah were not infallible the Prophet (!! Companions ) and the people a gate i would like to mention good character and virtue of the Mosque be. ( that he was stabbed in Medina Al-'Abbas,, chapter: the mention of,! And whatever they think is good before Allaah you can explain the virtue of any is!
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