From tackling cancer and poverty to finding the energy solutions of the future, our research is . Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), 2010 Population & Housing Census National, Analytical Report, GSS, Accra, Ghana, 2013. If you believe your property has been damaged by pesticide misuse, call the IDOA's Bureau of Environmental Programs at 1-800-641-3934 (voice and TDD) or 217-785-2427 for acomplaint form. The abuse of agrochemical products poses serious problems to the environment, the farmer, and the general food consumer. The study revealed that 85% of respondents who cultivated cash crops such as Cocoa and Rubber heavily relied on the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. 4, No. The most common agrochemicals include pesticides and fertilizers. The study followed a multistage sampling in the selection of the respondents. It is therefore recommended that field training and practical educational programs on good and safety use of agrochemicals should be adopted by agencies to raise farmers awareness level of the risk associated with agrochemical use. This could be as a result of high illiteracy rate among farmers who need to be educated on the use of synthetic inputs and good agronomic practices to improve yield. P. Cocco, G. Satta, S. Dubois et al., Lymphoma risk and occupational exposure to pesticides: results of the epilymph study, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. EPA has created a series of new videos to encourage homeowners and communities to adopt healthy lawncare practices as a means of reducing pesticide risk to human health and the environment. Agrochemicals in water diffuse with larger water bodies to promote the growth of algae - which can cause organisms such as fish to die. Other sources of information include extension and farmer group membership. The study used both descriptive and quantitative methods in analyzing the sampled data. H. Kuranchie-Mensah, S. M. Atiemo, L. M. N.-D. Palm, S. Blankson-Arthur, A. O. Tutu, and P. Fosu, Determination of organochlorine pesticide residue in sediment and water from the Densu river basin, Ghana, Chemosphere, vol. The Illinois Department of Agriculture receives about 120 pesticide misuse complaints a year. The theory of production is used to analyze and quantify the effects of conventional and nonconventional input use on maize output. Moreover, our results reveal that compared with small-scale farmers, crop insurance has a stronger effect on large-scale farmers' use of agrochemicals. 6264, 2003. [6] Throughout the 1970s through 1980s, pesticide research continued into producing more selective agrochemicals. Consult a specialist for recommendations on which pesticides or other agrochemical products are most suited to your insect situation. The multivariate linear regression results showed that awareness levels of health implications of agrochemical use increase maize output. It produces a coating on the plants surface that acts as a poison to any insect that tries to eat it. If you believe your property has been damaged by pesticide misuse, call the IDOA's Bureau of Environmental Programs at 1-800-641-3934 (voice and TDD) or 217-785-2427 for a . The Good. Pesticide misuse is often easy to spot. An ordered logit compliment with multivariate linear regression model was used to identify the drivers of farmers awareness level of health implications of agrochemical use. Agrichemical products can help to improve crop quality, improve soil, control pests and hazardous organisms, and promote crop protection. %%EOF
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In the area of reuse of empty containers of agrochemicals, 53.2% said they dispose of them while 46.8% said they use the containers for buying of oil and drinking of water in the farm. Ordered logit regression model was used to identify factors that affect farmers level of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. The law regulates the use of agrochemicals so that they are without risk to people, livestock, wildlife and the environment. 9198, 2013. Source: authors computations from field survey, 2015. B. T. Tawiah, Concentration of organochlorine insecticide residues in tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) fruit: a case study at akumadan in the offinso North district of Ashanti region [Ph.D. thesis], Department of Theoretical and Applied Biology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2013. Finally, when the insured amount is higher or the relative deductible is lower, farmers are more likely to reduce fertiliser and pesticide usage and adopt GAT. This implies that when the number of extension visits increases by one unit, maize output will increase by 434kg (4.34 bags) holding other factors constant. Both parties will receive written notification if the Department finds a violation and takes enforcement action. The municipality is located within longitudes 15W and 139W and latitudes 79N and 736N. Farmers awareness levels of health implications of agrochemicals use, household size, years of education, the number of extension contacts, farm size (acres), and quantity of pesticides (liters) significantly and positively influence maize output. The Department's role in pesticide misuse incidents is limited to determining whether a violation has occurred. Agroforestry to prepare logged areas for replanting, and harvesting crops in the fall. The banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar) was ranked as the most important agricultural pest by 85% of participants, yet only 28% could associate the adult and larval form. It protects crops from pests, diseases, and pathogens while also increasing yield quality and quantity. Due to improper use, these chemicals reach the environment as pollutants . Molluscicides: Molluscicides are used to treat schistosomiasis and are a highly specialized field. Maize continues to lead as the most important staple food in Ghana. Laary, J.K. (2012) Dry-Season Farming and Agrochemical Misuse in Upper East Region of Ghana: Implication and Way Forward, Journal of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, 5(1) Misuse, including unsafe storage leading to chemical leakage, chemical washing, and chemical spills, may impose significant penalties. Owing to the dangers the misuse or abuse of agrochemical poses to the world, scholars It is also consistent with Omari [4] findings that farmers have a low level of awareness of the hazards associated with the use of agrochemicals. HlTO0~_q;gOMl*hQj The sector contributed 22.0% against 28.6% from the industrial sector and 49.5% from the services sector to the GDP of the country [1]. This will explain what action the Illinois Department of Agriculture takes when misuse occurs and to help producers use pesticides responsibly. It is important to know whether farmers who are aware of health implications of agrochemical use and adhere to the safety standards are able to obtain higher or lower maize output. The margins are interpreted in relation to their signs and categories. Agrochemicals are generally recognized as a significant factor in enhancing the ability to meet Ghana's need for sufficient, safe and affordable food and fiber, however, increased usage have led to environmental deterioration. Syngenta was the Chinese owned worldwide leader in agrochemical sales in 2013 at approximately US$10.9billion, followed by Bayer CropScience, BASF, Dow AgroSciences, Monsanto, and then DuPont with about $3.6billion. Culturally appropriate farmer education and certification programs are needed as well as the development of safe-handling practices, regulatory infrastructure, and adequate agrochemical storage, transport, and waste disposal facilities. Misuse or the unauthorized use of pesticides commonly occurs because pesticide companies . The results indicated that farm size increases the probability of a farmer being in low awareness level by 0.068 and decreases the probability of a farmer being in moderate and high awareness levels by 0.051 and 0.017, respectively. The study aims to identify risks of agrochemicals that impact farmworkers, consumers, and ecology in Vietnamese mango cultivation to enhance safety and friendly production. endstream
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The agrochemicals industry contributes to agricultural progress by producing high-quality foods. Significant penalties can result from misuse, including improper storage resulting in chemical leaks, chemical leaching, and chemical spills. They have the ability to stay active on or in the host for long periods of time. Selective pesticides, insecticides, soil conditioners, and other agricultural chemicals can result in brighter and larger fruits and vegetables. Despite the fact that various plant-based molluscicides exist, isolation, characterization, toxicity screening, large-scale manufacture, and distribution of their active components for usage in endemic areas have yet to prove a feasible option. Plant Growth Regulators are a type of chemical. Take time to observe the surrounding area. The study revealed that 85% of respondents who cultivated cash crops such as Cocoa and Rubber heavily relied on the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. H. Kuranchie-Mensah, P. O. Yeboah, E. Nyarko, and A. Pesticide users, including agro-chemical shop operators, must have targeted training . Almost all pesticides have the potential to have a significant influence on ecosystems; many are toxic to humans and/or animals, and some concentrate as they rise up the food chain. Extension visit exposes farmers to improve production technologies and proper utilization of farm inputs. . It also affects human health through the intake of residues of pesticides in water, food, or direct contact. In this instance, a higher rate of application has the potency to affect maize output level. An increase in the number of children in school by one person leads to a decrease in the probability of a farmer being in the low level of awareness by 0.071 and increases the probability of a farmer being in moderate and higher levels of awareness by 0.053 and 0.018, respectively. The value for the Chi-squared test of 0.00 indicates that the coefficients of the independent variables are not jointly equal to zero. Agrochemicals were introduced to protect crops from pests and enhance crop yields. Among the arable crops in Ghana, cereals are the most widely cultivated and consumed category. [7], inappropriate use of pesticides to control pests and diseases has major health implications for smallholder farmers and this is now on the global scale attracting global attention of researchers, policy-makers, and the general public (consumers). 2015, Article ID 547272, 7 pages, 2015. For instance, bovine somatotropin, though widely used in the United States, is not approved in Canada and some other jurisdictions as there are concerns for the health of cows using it. (This phenomenon is widely called Fish kills) Excess chemicals lead to eutrophication. It has a negative relationship with farmers level of awareness of health implications of agrochemical use. The main source of information on agrochemicals use was media and manuals. It encompasses fertilizers, pesticides (weedicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides), and plant regulators. Contact -Its main aim is to kill insects when used on a single target.Because they must strike the insect directly, most domestic insect sprays work like contact insecticides. The proportion of herbicides in the overall pesticide load is especially high in arable crops. 2, no. An ordered probit model or ordered logit model allows for multiple ordered values for the dependent variable [19]. This is a system that incorporates preventive cultural, mechanical, physical, biological and chemical controls. startxref
They can be used to control rusts, mould, mildews, oomycetes, blights, and other fungi that harm plants. 115 0 obj<>
Beyond Pesticides is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., which works with allies in protecting public health and the environment to lead the transition to a world free of toxic pesticides. In Ghana agriculture and public health sectors remain the major contributors of pollutants into the environment. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Agriculture in Ghana, Statistics, Research and Information Directorate (SRID), Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Accra, 2014. This explanatory variable is found to be significant at 10%. Keokuk County rural health study: self-reported use of agricultural chemicals and protective equipment. Safety and Health in the use of Agrochemicals: A Guide, Geneva, 1991 IPCS, International Programme on . This could be as a result of the fact that large farm owners have easy access to credit and enjoy economies of scale in resource use. These are necessary for preserving a food supply and killing insects using pesticides and other chemicals. Leads to water pollution. This will lead to the avoidance of over/underapplication of agrochemicals and reduce the loss of time due to an illness of the farmer thereby increasing the efficiency and productivity of the crops and farmers. Since most farmers in the country are illiterates, lacking the requisite training, protection equipment, and safety information, there have been tendencies of overapplication than the recommended rate or frequency per season. The agrochemicals industry contributes to agricultural progress by producing high-quality foods. Weed controls are essential for maintaining good crop output. On farms, proper storage facilities and labeling, emergency clean-up equipment and procedures, and safety equipment and procedures for handling, application and disposal are often subject to mandatory standards and regulations. The face-to-face interviews were used due to its appropriateness in clarifying questions in the questionnaires. Penalties range from advisory or warning letters to monetary penalties of $750 to $10,000, depending on the type and severity of the violation. Lastly, farmers should be educated on the importance of adhering to safety standards of agrochemical use as it increases maize output. The minimum quantity of pesticides applied on 1 acre of land was 2 liters and maximum of 7 liters with the mean of 4.8 liters. D. Horna, M. Smale, M. Al-Hassan, R. J. Falck-Zepeda, and S. E. Timpo, Insecticides use on vegetables in ghana: would GM seed benefit farmers? IFPRI Discussion Paper 007855, 2008. Intervention to increase farmers awareness of health implication of agrochemicals use in the study area should consider interactive radio programs in local languages. Proper use of pesticides is important since pesticide-drift can harm susceptible vegetation, wildlife and water supplies. To aid the process of sampling maize farm households from the communities within the municipality, a list of maize farmers was obtained from the extension department of the district Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) office. However, needful actions such as Government policy on educational campaign/programs must be intensified. Agrochemical pollution of waterways, as a result of widespread use of insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, can alter the transmission of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis, according to a recent study from the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), partly funded by the NIH Fogarty International Center and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. On the contrary, Ajah and Nmadu [24] found labor to be positively influencing maize output. 286292, 2012. J. R. Fianko, A. Donkor, S. T. Lowor, and P. O. Yeboah, Agrochemicals and the Ghanaian environment, a review, Journal of Environmental Protection, vol. Quantity of maize output is used in most studies to the neglect of quality of the produce. The study sought to identify factors that influence maize farmers awareness of health implications of agrochemicals use and its impact on maize output in Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality. To view EPA's new healthy lawn care practices video, visit: Healthy Lawncare Practices. Plants may become spotted, curled or even die when exposed to a pesticide, often because wind has carried it from its intended area. The study, therefore, seeks to assess the factors that influence the farmers awareness of health implications of agrochemical use as well as the effect of the awareness on maize output. In general perspectives, agrochemical (pesticides and fertilizer) are used as both protective and productive inputs for maximum productivity. It may also include hormones and other chemical growth agents.[1][2]. Multiple linear regression results: level of awareness as driver of maize output. Also, health implications of agrochemical use should be incorporated into our education curriculum. This definition is valid when one is looking at the theory of consumer behavior. Agrochemicals are the result of modern technology that depends on inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Follow all requirements on pesticide product labels. 2010).High yield rice varieties grown in major rice production . Effect on Water. Responsibility extends to effects caused by drift, runoff, or residues. 68, no. The founders, who established Beyond Pesticides (originally as National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides . [7] that less than half of cocoa farmers (35%) in Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana put on full PPE (costume) during pesticide application. J. Ajah and J. N. Nmadu, Socio-economic factors influencing the output of small-scale maize farmers in Abuja, Nigeria, Journal of Social Science, vol. Wimalawansa, MD, PhD, MBA, DSc. Unfortunately, public awareness is not so much about the benefits of agrochemical spraying as about the harm that misuse can cause. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. This difference could be as a result of increasing use of labor saving machines, technologies, and external inputs for increasing maize productivity. Such as Government policy on educational campaign/programs must be intensified, livestock, wildlife and supplies. Perspectives, agrochemical ( pesticides and fertilizer ) are used as both protective and productive for! Agriculture receives about 120 pesticide misuse complaints a year including improper storage resulting in chemical leaks, leaching. For replanting, and chemical controls municipality is located within longitudes 15W and 139W latitudes... Poverty to finding the energy solutions of the produce one is looking at theory!, rodenticides, and fungicides ), 2010 Population & Housing Census,. 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